Vagina Tuesdays
I had a presentation today where I had to present my analysis of a Scottish folktale in front of my 120 person class. I decided to analyze the tale based on the representation of masculinity and the demonization of femininity. So of course I mentioned vaginas. The men basically enter a cavern through a tunnel and die because of it. Hello dangerous vag! So not only does the main character end up dead because being cowardly (and therefore not manly), it all happens in a big vaginal cavern.
Well I'm an idiot, and clearly living in my Box/Women's Studies bubble, because it didn't even cross my mind that in a third year English class I would get a reaction for saying the word vagina. People couldn't stop laughing! And it totally shot my confidence because I couldn't tell if they were laughing because they thought my analysis was ridiculous, or if it was because I was saying vagina. So I started to ramble, and then I just didn't know what to do so I just kept saying vagina, and they just kept reacting. The world is not ready for me.
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