"This day just keeps getting better and better!"-me
Today I went from Sears, to Psych, to Sexy. This morning the Box got up at 9:30am and dolled ourselves up to do a little "mom, dad, and the kids" portrait at Sears. But of course, in true Box style, the pictures will not be ready until Christmas eve, so you'll all be getting your cards in January. And you'll love it.
After that I got on a Greyhound (which I had been dreading) to get myself to Toronto. Luckily my old friend Craigo was on the bus already and I got to spend an hour and a half catching up and reconnecting. I needed that! He also gave me an incredible impromptu Chanukah gift, and then we saw a hay ride truck with bales of hay and two dogs riding on it. Could it get any better than that?
I got off the bus and left my first boyfriend to meet my current stevefriend so we could have a sleepy and snuggly walk around UofT, then I saw a psychiatrist who told me "You're okay", and Steve and I went and snuggled on a bench until I painfully had to get back on the bus to come back to Guelph.
Things were crisis-y when I arrived, but we did some healing with a little T-Bell and L-Word, followed by a few pomtinis, "Funny Face" (which was smarvelous), and a naked livingroom dance party to various pop favourites. The tradition of the naked run/dance party was established at the Box as a last night ritual... so there you go.
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