No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Give the Jew-Girl Presents

The infrequent blogging over the last week may be directly related to the fact that between Dec. 28 and Dec. 29 I have individually visited with 49 people. FORTY-NINE! No wonder I'm having trouble stringing sentences together.

Though generally exhausting, it's been nice to do a little reconnecting. I should probably keep a running tally of how many visits I've had since I've come home... if I do that I think it's 54. Yowza. That's not counting my parents and ben, and no multiple countings of steve. It's been good and strange to see people I haven't seen in five years. It's nice to know they're still out there and that even if we're not in the same worlds anymore we can still have wine or tea, or overpriced coffee beverages and have something to talk about. I've felt really good walking away from most of these visits, but I'm feeling the pull to spend a little quiet time by myself before the whole world starts up again.

I've had some down moments, but I'm trying to stay up. I suppose that's all I can do.


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