No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


I'm supposed to be putting together my presentation for tomorrow, but instead I just spent the last hour watching LOST, eating cheesecake, and drinking tea. Tonight was the first time I've ever watched LOST at the same time as the rest of the world, and without Jessica Macleod. It was unpleasant. The Langs are both quite behind in their Lost-ing and their questions made me realize that I just don't remember very important details, which is where Jess would usually come in with her frequent searching and spoiler reading to fill in all the details and possibly reveal things I'm not ready to know. Lost coming back is just so bittersweet!

Today at the grocery store there was a magazine cover that inferred that TomKat has busted up and I just felt like if Jess were here I'd know all the details already! I miss that lady.


Blogger Tederick said...

Have you considered renaming this blog "Waiting for Jessica"?

7:20 AM


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