No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Mommy is one of the chosen people, and Daddy believes Jesus is magic!

On Monday I went to see Jesus Camp at UofGs Docurama series. It was one of those ones that I was supposed to see with Jessie, but my Jessie replacement came instead :o). It wasn't the most prolific documentary I've ever seen, but that kind of Evangelistic training of children as an army of christ is one of those things that gets me all riled up, so I appreciated it. There's something to be said about the organization of the fundamentalists and the fact that they don't see a problem with what they're doing. It's kind of worth seeing just for the feeling you get in the pit of your stomach watching hundreds children crying and chanting "righteous judges" after being told that one third of their friends never made it after God created them... meaning that the evil abortionists killed them.

The film was described as "even-handed", but I can't see how anyone could walk away from it without feeling like Evangelists were being portrayed as completely over the top and dangerous. Generally that was fine with me as I am incredibly biased in that regard, but not necessarily the most effective way to make a documentary. It's worth seeing if only for the children's preacher going into a full-on non-sequiter shouting "and let me tell you something about Harry Potter. You do not make heros out of warlocks! If this was biblical times Harry Potter would BURN!" Indeed he would Becky, indeed he would.


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