Big Honkin' Public Happy Dance... (i'm awesome)
Today went beautifully! I've been holding on all day to the postive. I'm not going to let my mind twist how well the International Women's Day Breakfast went this morning. I was going to say that I got a big rectangle and I wasn't going to let it turn into a triangle... but then I'd have to admit to the world that I'm starting to buy into the core belief lingo that I mocked so hard. Oh learning new language for every situation!
Anyway, the breakfast... Last night I stayed up until about 3am doing little bits to prepare and homework, then this morning I got up at 7am and made 75 straight up pancakes and 75 vegan pancakes from scratch. I got one sweet quarter sized burn on my right hand that still sings, which is awesome. I love mild battle wounds. Around 8:40 Tama and I got into a cab with four giant grocery bags, two back packs, and one thermal cooler filled with pancakes, and it just went beautifully from there.
The breakfast ran from 9:30-11:30 and we had about fifty people come through, maybe a few more. I had a loonie table with sweet prizes like a diva cup, some Beck's Beads necklaces, a handmade scarf, some bath stuff and some flower-shaped candles. We made $84 on ticket sales which is excellent. Oh yeah I coordinater some fundraising and an event!
I just felt like I was in my element today at the breakfast. I ran the show, I reminded myself to delegate and (after some reminders) allowed myself to take a break to eat something. I was walking around and introducing myself, I was selling tickets, I was chatting with people... it was so great! There were a lot of people there that I've never seen around the Centre, which is excellent and so important because we're always worried about visibility on campus. People also seemed really happy to have a celebratory space with free food and music and mingling. It all made me happy and generally left me feeling inspired and capable. I just feel like I want to create and write and keep that community feeling buzzing. I'm hoping it will last me through the weekend. It's amazing the emotional places I've been in and out of this week.
Yea!!! i love you and i'm glad everything went so well!!!
8:36 AM
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