Happy International Women's Day Babies!
Besides the "goodbye boys" part:

Tomorrow morning I've got the IWD breakfast happening and I'm pretty determined to avoid the post-partum troubles that usually hit me after a big event. There's going to be tons of free food and some sweet prizes to be won, so if you're in the Guelph area come on in! I'm going to take a deep breath and repeat the mantra "delegate-delegate-delegate". I'm planting myself firmly at the loonie table to watch the proceedings and hopefully rake in some sweet cash.
I'm planning to get up at 6am to make pancakes, and then I'm going to walk away from the cooking. That's the only part that I feel chaotic about... the food making part. Oh lord it's a little scary making stuff happen... and the oh-so-feministy train of thought there was "oh man I hope I'm not a stressed out bride. I don't want to be a stressed out bride!". It's bed time!
(I'm feeling better than on monday for those of you fearing for my life... or alternately the three people that read my blog)
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