Babygirl McDeere
I'm so freakin' exhausted. Yesterday was my first day of grown-up work, which went well, but still left me riding the TTC with a pounding headache at the end of the day... oh my. Then I stayed up too late with Ben watching the last four episodes of Studio 60. We watched everything but those episodes over the break, and it's just so damn good. I cry because it got cancelled. Then I cry for the sincere "brother's that love" factor. Get your hands on those dvds if you haven't seen the show at all!
I dragged myself out of bed this morning and then had a lovely afternoon with Steve before bussing back to Guelph. This is my life now! It's going to be fine. I'm just going to have to make sure I sleep enough, and drink enough water. For some reason I didn't learn how to do either of those things throughout my undergrad.
This weekend I intend to finalize my masters application. I probably should have done it last weekend to make sure that all of the financial stuff went through on time... but I didn't. I have a cavalier way about me when I apply to schools. That's just the way I roll. I'm confident it will get done. It also won't be the end of the world if I don't get in, but I'm trying not to think that way.
Oh lord time went a little too quickly in January. It's all happening now!
Shouldn't that be, "The time is now"?
10:21 AM
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