No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Divine Malign

It is much nicer to move through the week without overwhelming sickness taking me down. I'm still not feeling wonderful, but I'm getting better. Last night I was incredibly productive... I read three articles, made two lasagnas, watched two episodes of Freaks and Geeks with Steve and Ben and made a very crunchy wheat-free apple crisp. Today has been less productive, but I'm determined to get through my articles for tomorrow. So much reading!

I just have to push through tomorrow and get my lesson plan done so that I can have a solemn and repentant Yom Kippur on Thursday where I will ironically indulge in a hot stone massage followed by some lounging on the couch watching my PVRed episodes of Box Model and Weeds. I think Yahweh is down with that. I haven't been very nice to myself lately, and surely repenting for self-harm is valuable? I think so. I'll let you know if my name makes it into the good book.


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