No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Monday, February 28, 2005

Stay Away from the Jitterbug

Well it's been an odd and interesting few days. My computer is in the worst shape ever which means that bloggings might be few and far between. I'm feeling tired and unmotivated, which might be a result of staying up until 3:30am last night in an anxious panic over my malfunctioning computer box.

So I'm back in the Goo and it's been a bit of a rough start. I'm just not feeling so hot. This morning I reflexed my alarms. I have no recollection of turning them off, but they were definitely set properly and definitely turned off when Jess came into my room this morning to get me up. Not so good. Paul Simon has been in my dreams lately, which is just an odd fact about me right now. My dreams have been incredibly strange lately.

I've also been really slow. Mostly in terms of sarcasm. People will say things and it will take me way longer than normal to get them. Or I'll answer seriously and mid-answer I'll realize that they're being sarcastic. I'm a little scared that I'm losing my magic powers of humour. Maybe I just need more sleep.

Tomorrow I bring the Bell ad to the WRC, or the Poon Shack as I like to call it and try and get me a feminist posse rolling.


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