In Vitro Here We Come!
This whole working business is insane. As soon as I figure out how to do it, I'll post some pictures of the project I'm working on, because it's pretty spectacular. I've been leaving my house at 7:30am though and getting home after six, so I'm sleepy.
This week was insanely more social than last. Tama came to work with me and it all went very well. We had ourselves a three day Ani-a-thon where we listened to her entire works... Only we had to stop with one song left because we were in a rush to meet people. So upsetting. Oh well, we were closed.
So despite the sleepiness I managed a Tuesday night sleepover with Steve to watch Amay-Ray, then a Box reunion sleepover on Wednesday night to watch Gilmore Girls and America's Next Box Model, then a gathering on the island last night which was cold and good, and tonight I'm off to another Statuatory Jape improv show tonight.
Bah. Social.
So all is going generally well. I'm reworking my bedroom a little and I'm trying to write more. Hopefully that will all come together this weekend. Next weekend I'll be alone in the studio again, so if anyone wants to come visit me and go out for lunch just let me know. I'm a barrel of laughs.
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