No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Fasting? I need to be slowing down!

I got out of bed dazed and blurry eyed this morning and stumbled onto the bus and into the coffee shop before heading to my history of sex and gender lecture. It wasn't until I was mid through my carrot muffin and latte that I realized it was Yom Kippur. Then the guilt set in. The day of judgment and there I am drinking overpriced coffee and a crappy muffin while God looks down shaking hir head disapprovingly. Crap. Well my name did not get in the good book this year as I did not repent. I held my grudges and maintained my anger and I didn't ask one persone for forgiveness. I'm actually pretty mad at myself that after fighting the whole battle against my aunt to prove that I was a good enough Jew I didn't have the decency to take the high holy days even remotely seriously. Repentance is one of the top three along with hard work and charity. I'm not being good at any of them right now.

Oh crisis of faith. Hilarious!

Otherwise today was cloudy and crappy. I got all riled up at a uninformed presentation about female circumcision where Africans were referred to as "barbaric" and again at a really racist short story that was presented in my Creative writing class. My story was workshopped today and I'm not pleased with the way it went. It's really nice having confidence shot down the day prior to a midterm.


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