A Day In The Life
I was relatively productive today. I have far more to do, but at least I've done something:
-I handed in my exam forms to the csd
-I went to the gym where I listened to three MAMOs (two about TIFF and the one about Sprockets)
-had a shower (which shouldn't be an accomplishment, but in the last few weeks has been)
-burned one of our pots to shit while trying to steam brussel sprouts (it's done, and out on the porch because the charred chemical smell. what a lame reason to ruin a pot! I had to throw out the veggies too because they absorbed all the smoky badness.
-made a delicious batch of hummus for my lunch instead. It was so good.
-ate hummus while watching two episodes of Lost with Jessie. Locke's parents are bastards, and I'm pretty glad that so far Jack's wife didn't try to steal his kidneys. We only have three episodes left and then we tackle season two. I'm thinking Jess and I might end up having a season three Lost-a-thon at 3QF thanks to that mystical PVR.
-drafted my essay that's due on Friday
-read ten pages. I'll have to do more of that later.
And now I'm watching me some Box Model. There is odd screaming going on outside of the house. It sounds joyous, but I'm not sure. I'm home alone, so I think I'll investigate sneakily. I think I just heard laughing though....
[quick break while I go check]
Yup, just some local hooligans hanging out at Tito's. Excellent.
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