No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Tuesday, September 26, 2006


After a whole dvd debacle tonight, I ended up watching the first episode of Lost on Jess' computer. I am skeptical, but willing to become addicted to another tv show... as long as it's not Prison Break. I'm a little unenthused. The best part was when I said "I thought you couldn't fly in your third trimester" and Jess raised her arms mystically and said "the mysteries of Lost are unexplained!". I've decided that the "thing" is Dino-Natives. Sorry to ruin it for all of you. But it's Dino-Natives. Anyway, Matt has informed us that we have two weeks to watch two entire seasons of Lost so that we're caught up for the season three premiere in October. I think we're up to the challenge. If nothing else, we are incredibly good at procrastinating.

Today was long, but reasonable. It's funny, I accomplished so much more today than I did yesterday... but yesterday I felt incredibly at peace, and today I feel like I did get enough done. I think I'll feel better when I get a binder or a notebook together for this craft show I'm organizing so I can look at where I am and how far I really have to go. Seriously, if any of you make anything that you could possibly sell, PLEASE drop me $15 bucks and make a trip into Guelph. You'd be surprised how much money you can make. Really and truly. Oh man this is going to dominate my life.


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