No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Breasty Imperial Culture

I was up until 3:15 last night writing my Zoology term paper, which was annoyingly more stressful than it should have been. I was then kept up until about 4:30 with anxiety induced heart palpatations. This made getting up this morning to catch the 9:09am bus. Especially when I woke up at 9:12. I pulled it together and got on the 9:24 bus and got into my class a mere 12 minutes late. It's not good, because it happens VERY often. But today I walked in and there was a baby toddling around the classroom!

My prof brought her almost one year old to class. I missed the explaination why because of the lateness and all, but no matter. Baby times! He has just started to pull himself up on things and walk with support, so when I came in he was pushing a chair around. With about half an hour left of the lecture (this is a 60 person class), the baby got fussy, and my prof, being the wonderful woman that she is picked him up, sat down on the chair and just breast fed away! It just made my day. It's just so nice to see this strong intelligent woman being a mother and an intellectual at the same time in the most blatant way possible, without even a hint of an apology. She's my new idol!


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