No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Food broke me bodily.

Now that I'm in the recovery position from the food poisoning I'm a little more coherent and a little more excited to write about how well Show and Sell went! I made about $200 and everyone was happy! The vendors all made money, there was a lot of people traffic, and I got a lot of positive feedback about having students showing their stuff in the student space. Excellent!

I think I might have had a fever last night, or my level of dehydration was so intense that I don't really remember clearly through the memory of my aching brain. I did a lot of crying, both rational and irrational, which makes it clear that I wasn't all together. No good. I had many grand plans for last night, which were all horrendously destroyed, to my great disappointment. Instead of all of my fabulous social plans I napped and then stayed up to watch SNL Family Thanksgiving Leftovers all by myself, which was extremely satisfying. I kind of wished I had taped it, it was that good. That's right, I said tape. I am analog.

Sonal and I are taking a sick day today. We're on our third episode of the Creek, I taught her how to knit, and we're drinking a lot of fluids. I'm definitely still in recovery mode, so I'm hoping that by this evening my brain will feel clear enough to do some serious work and maybe a little bit of writing. If I am able to move my body at any point today I might even do some cleaning so that the process of paper writing and gift making doesn't have to be done in the midst of overwhelming piles of paper.

Feeling better is good. Bodies are so shocking sometimes.


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