No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Show and Sell. I think my puns are clever.

Do you ever pour yourself a glass of wine and sit down to dinner and then ten minutes later realize you're drinking chocolate milk? It's quite impressive.

Tomorrow is my big old craft show fundraiser. Everything is pretty much together as far as I can tell. There's a few more things I need to do to prepare tonight, including packing all of my own stuff up. I'm feeling good about my display and what I'm selling, so hopefully it will all go well.

I spent today preparing. I made two necklaces and two picture frames while watching two episodes of Grey's followed by three episodes of the first season of Dawson's Creek. Oh my. That, combined with the weather made everything I did today feel very dramatic! It was nice to feel like I was creating beautiful things on such a miserable day.

Despite the good points of today, there is something very physically wrong with me. I'm incredibly weak at the moment. Out of stress and foolishness I made two lasagnas tonight, and as I was cutting vegetables, grating cheese and putting it all together I was shaking. I had a really hard time laying down the noodles properly because I couldn't steady my hand. Typing is actually a bit of a struggle at the moment. This concerns me.

At the moment my plan is to lie down for half an hour and hope I get a second wind so that I can make the table chart for tomorrow and pack up my stuff. If I don't get a second wind I guess I'll just get up really early tomorrow so that I can be ready to get myself to school for 8am. If anyone has a brilliant cure for the shakes now the time to send it on over.


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