time management
I had a lovely night with miss Jessica last night. We managed to get through the A&E version of King Lear, and this morning we watched the high school classic BBC version of Twelfth Night. Oooo studying and preparation!
Before we went to sleep, Jess read to me from Prisoner of Azkaban. I love people who will read me bedtime stories. Jess and I are very good at reading to each other, as we are soulmates. Apparently about fifteen minutes after we went to sleep I sat up, turned to Jess, patted her hand reassuringly and then lay back down. I guess my subconscious self felt she needed more reassurance than my "goodnight Jessie" provided.
I got me a paper extension today until Monday afternoon, which is great because I changed my paper topic at 3:30 this afternoon. Now I can spend tonight and tomorrow preparing for the Shakey exam, and then spend this weekend polishing off this paper before moving on to my final one. Yay!
I'm hoping to have enough time next week to do work, relax, bake cookies, and clean my damn room. There are a few appointments I have to keep and some things I need to sort out with the BA office as well. It seems that they think I need to take more courses to graduate. This does not please me. At the very least, this might change my plans for the winter entirely. I guess I'll see what happens. I'm trying not to think about it until next week when I can spend some time on campus sorting out my life. Grad school applications are a-comin' and I can't get references if I don't have a clear statement of intent written up. Yay! Too much to do!
Right now I'm watching the second season of Dawson's Creek over at Tama and Nomi's before heading home for Shakey. I'm feeling less anxious than I have been in a few days. When I was walking over here I thought my vision was partly gone, but I'm pretty sure it was just snow glare since it's working now. Lord I hope so.
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