No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Thursday, February 28, 2008


The strangest thing has been happening lately... I've been having recurring dreams that I've had for the last few years, but now the people in them have changed. The scenarios and the locations are all the same, but the players are different. Just this week I had one where my family members were in the starring roles, and last night the characters had switched to camp folk, kids, Matt, and some unknown but somehow related elderly people. It's very bizarre. I don't quite know enough about recurring dreams to make sense of it, but I guess I'll just bask in the strangeness.

I have a number of meetings and a number of tasks to accomplish this week. My purposeful time in Guelph is running out, and so are my paycheques... but I guess that's okay. It may be time to start my slow transition out of here. This week has been really nice though in terms of spending time with all of my like-minded people and actually accomplishing things on my to do list. I don't know what it is about Toronto, but I think there are so many distractions that I just can't focus and get things done. I'm shockingly okay with it, but this week I think I'm going to avoid tv unless absolutely necessary.

Speaking of tv, I love Thursday nights. I've always loved Thursday. In high school I would demand assignments and tests to be due on Thursday because there was no way I was going to to any work on Thursday nights for a Friday deadline. They are just such a warm fuzzy day! I'm looking forward to my Lang slumber party tonight and then I head back to t-dot on Friday because I have to do first aid training this weekend. Anyone wanna come with me? A full day of life saving makes me tired!


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