No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Feeling festive! I'm currently in the midst of a wrapping rendezvous at my place with Steve after trudging through the slush in worn out boots that I promised myself last year that I would never wear again. Ah well. I'm feeling good and ready to celebrate the birth of Santa tomorrow. My eight year old cousin came over last night and sang Lonely Jew on christmas which was adorable and then he ate a chocolate star of david on a stick the size of his fist in about two seconds. Hilarious!

I've been sleeping on the couch at my parents house because I no longer have a bed there and have been having ridiculous dreams. For example, I dreamt I was watching the G-rated version of "Jizz in my pants" called "What's in My Pants". It was awesome. I'm tired and full of cookies, cheese, and salty nuts. Ain't nothin' wrong with that.

Also, Steve and I just found out that our landlords partner is named Juanita... and that's just magnificent.


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