Unceasingly Present
Today I read 4 articles, did some yin yoga, went grocery shopping, tried to take out the recycling twice and found the recycling room door locked both times, took a bath, ate sushi, did some dishes, and found a new sprout with buds on my orchid. It was a productive day, and I'm not done yet.
I have grand plans for this week that involve a road trip with craft shows, puppies, and the foods I miss so very much from the Goo campus. I would really like this to happen. It just means a lot of focus because there sure is a lot to do. I think I'll be okay though. This time last week I was having a destabilizing anxiety attack, and tonight not so much, so maybe I'll keep it together this week.
I'm back to having my disturbing dreams. They are filled with death, and the dead, deception, comfort, tears, and struggles. They aren't nightmares in the vivid way that I would describe my past nightmares, but they are unsettling and they make me resist sleep. It's such a toss up when bed is so comfy, but dreams are so distressing. I've cried before sleep too often this week.
Despite everything I'm feeling peaceful. And Santa came today, so what's not to like!
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