No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How many times can I write giraffe?

Last night I had a dream that had been updated so that the top right corner was a soundless film of Matt's doings that began with and ended with a really slick looking green logo of tederick himself rotating around in a corporate logo type manner. The oddest part was that the top right film was showing me matt going to the zoo and watching giraffes fart, and then suddenly I was at the zoo with Jess and a number of school groups of children supervising them as they watched elephants and giraffes go down a mudslide, and then proceeded to go down said mudslide themselves. By mudslide I actually mean a wooden slide-like ramp that is covered in mud. Jess didn't want to get dirty, but I was very muddy and the kids took pictures of me covered in mud wearing glasses with one lens.

Once all of the kids had a chance to go down the slide one of the kids came up and told me that she had lost a little metal bit on the slide. I tried to convince her that we'd have to find her a new one, but she insisted on looking for it. She wouldn't say what it was but described it as looking like a pushpin stuck into a peanut and she was worried about the animals eating it. She had also brought her cat to the zoo, so we had to bring the cat with us while we went looking.

When we got to the top of the slide there were a few zoo keepers and a very cute baby giraffe. The cat, who had short hair and very giraffy markings ran up to the baby giraffe. The baby giraffe then ate the cat. He swallowed it like a python swallows a bunny. The little girl screamed. One of the zoo keepers came over and massaged the baby giraffe's neck until it vomited up the cat in a very birthing-like manner. The cat came out as a long-haired fluffy white cat, likely because of the trauma of being swallowed.

And then I woke up.


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