No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Dante Boscoooooooooooooooo!

It just ain't Chanukah without a couple of grated knuckles, some oil burns, some candles and a house full of people. Tonight was great. After all of my struggle with Ben's Bar Mitzvah this was a good night to feel like, yeah, I'm a Jew.

We baked and fried all day. People arrived at six and I gave a story of Chanukah spiel around 6:30 where we lit the candles. We had sixteen people there and half of them had never been to a Chanukah party or experienced anything Chanukah-esque. So we ate, we played dreidel, we listened to klezmer, a jew mix from World on a Plate last year, and the traditional Sharron Lois and Bram Chanukah album. Classic.

Everyone left around nine leaving us to watch family guy with wine in hand. Excellent. I still haven't studied, but after six glasses of wine I'm feeling far more relaxed about my exam tomorrow. Ahh exams.


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