perhaps it was all the talk about my numb vulva
Today I did a lot of running around for very few answers. I got a lot of "I dunno" (to be said like Homer after he eats the super sour sour ball). Basically I was told by my doctor that if my thyroid starts to work properly again my legs will come back. Otherwise my thyroid will just get worse and I have to start meds. My chiropractor told me that in seven more sessions I should have feeling back. Too bad I can't make an appointment until Feb. 21 and after that not until April. Great. So it appears that I will be stumbling around until my feet kick in again.
I had another amazing chunk of time with my Phantom today. Despite everything else, I'm finding myself happier than ever when I'm in room snuggling, playing Mario, or watching tv. It really doesn't matter. Just being there is making me deliriously happy. Next week is going to contain a whole 'nother sort of blogular tone!
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