Can you paraphrase if for us?
All is well in B.C. Jess and I got back yesterday from our adventure in Victoria. Outside of our tunning conversations we've had a very kid friendly trip in terms of activities. In Victoria we went to the museum, walked along the Wharf, went to a petting zoo in Beacon Hill park, and then sat on the beach for awhile where we both got sunburns. Mine is particularly hilarious as it outlines my necklace on my chest. Foolish. We have two more days here and have various thoughts on what to do. Today we slept in until noon though which kind of screwed up the itinerary. Ah well.
I'm doing generally well. I've had a few self-analytical mental health moments that have given me some insight regarding why I carry around the shit that I do. Events of five years ago seem to be far to readily with me at the moment and I think a lot of that has to do with the experince of abuse I had a few weeks ago. To many call backs. I was thinking of doing a little bexpose (I don't know how to put the accent in) here, but I don't know if people can handle that. It's just that I've come to this realization that a lot of my self-image troubles have a lot to do with one particular event that occured in, what I'll call, my sexually formative years. I might need to write it and put it out there just for me. Anyway, I'm well but still a little sad and a little afraid of what to do next. I'll be home Monday though so I guess we'll see.
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