Naked Tai Chi
I'm currently blogging from an SFU computer. It won't let me sign on to webmail at the moment, so this is what the world gets for now. Personal e-mails will possibly follow later tonight. So yes, Macelod and I are in BC. All is well and green and flowery and smells like the rainforest pavillion at the zoo. We're staying with our friend Leah who lives in a beautiful neighbourhood by the water and has a backyard that has a bit of a Spiral Garden flair to it. It's familiar and good.
Jess and I arrived yesterday morning at 10:30 and spent the day mostly hanging around Leah's house. Our flight was good, but we were exhausted. We watched a terrible movie, and then napped through the terrible sitcoms. We were fed some potato egg boats (that may not have contained any actual potato) and resulted in my very upset stomach. Last night we had dinner with Leah's family and then went out for drinks and a little Guelph reunion with our friend's Scott and Galya. Galya's sister's also came along. I think we're seeing them all again tonight at a big Queer dance party. GAY!
So yes, Leah works at the Women's Centre at SFU so we got up and came to work with her today. This Women's Centre is paradise compared to the WRC. It has a full kitchen, a lounge area, and actual book stacks. I'm a jealous lady. Jess and I are planning to get some free things from their clubs days and then head accross town to Stanley Park. Tomorrow we're going to Victoria and staying there until Friday. We're going to do ridiculous touristy things, and also watch Box Model.
I'm feeling okay. The angry goo in my brain rises once in a while. Jess and I decided that what I really need is a pensieve. If anyone is planning really early for my birthday, that's what I want. Yes? I may try and blog again later on in the week, but we're here, and we're good and it's all very pretty.
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