Oh The Bed! Uhn!
I just have to stop and brag for a moment that I've got a sweet piece of Macelod sleeping in my bed right now. (Actually all of Macelod is there, that sounded more creepy then hot when I actually wrote it down). And really world, it's time to stop kidding myself. My true calling is to be a sex educator and a sex therapists. People come to me and I know my shit. So what the hell am I doing? I think I may have an article in me on a certain topic at the moment, maybe even a book. I gots me a deadline of July 14 and two potential articles that I'm pretty excited about. No job to speak of... but if I got paid for nightmares boy howdy I'd be rich.
Oh MAN. If you don't stop using this blog for the Hot Sexy Macelod Chronicles, I might just have to quit reading it. (Like I did with TJ's blog, a.k.a. the Hot Sexy Mark's Cock Chronicles.)
2:13 PM
She should re-name her blood "Bloody Anus Vagabond". Mark doesn't even like the ocean.
10:31 AM
I'm pretty sure you meant she should rename her BLOG, but the idea of someone renaming their BLOOD out of obsessive love is surprisingly effective.
11:54 AM
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