The Fun-Time Centre For Girls
Just for kicks us feminists sit around and laugh at dictionary definitions of woman. Here are some of the favourites that had to offer:
-a wife.
-a sweetheart or paramour; mistress
-a female employee or representative: A woman from the real estate agency called.
-a female person who cleans house, cooks, etc.; housekeeper: The woman will be in to clean today.
-Obsolete. to cause to act or yield like a woman.
-Woman, female, lady are nouns referring to adult human beings who are biologically female; that is, capable of bearing offspring. Woman is the general term. It is neutral, lacking either favorable or unfavorable implication, and is the most commonly used of the three: a wealthy woman; a woman of strong character, of unbridled appetites.
-A female servant or subordinate.
-n 1: an adult female person (as opposed to a man); "the woman kept house while the man hunted"
- a human female who does housework;
-a female person who plays a significant role (wife or mistress or girlfriend) in the life of a particular man; "he was faithful to his woman"
And of course, the always hilarious bible:
was "taken out of man" (Gen. 2:23), and therefore the man has the preeminence. "The head of the woman is the man;" but yet honour is to be shown to the wife, "as unto the weaker vessel" (1 Cor. 11:3, 8, 9; 1 Pet. 3:7). Several women are
mentioned in Scripture as having been endowed with prophetic gifts, as Miriam (Ex. 15:20), Deborah (Judg. 4:4, 5), Huldah (2 Kings 22:14), Noadiah (Neh.6:14), Anna (Luke 2:36, 37), and the daughters of Philip the evangelist (Acts 21:8, 9). Women are forbidden to teach publicly (1 Cor. 14:34, 35; 1 Tim. 2:11,12). Among the Hebrews it devolved upon women to prepare the meals for the household (Gen. 18:6; 2 Sam. 13:8), to attend to the work of spinning (Ex.35:26; Prov. 31:19), and making clothes (1 Sam. 2:19; Prov. 31:21), to bring water from the well (Gen. 24:15; 1 Sam. 9:11), and to care for the flocks (Gen.
29:6; Ex. 2:16). The word "woman," as used in Matt. 15:28, John 2:4 and 20:13,15, implies tenderness and courtesy and not disrespect. Only where revelation is known has woman her due place of honour assigned to her.
This is completely unrelated to the entry. I just picked this one to comment on because you'd read this one first, as it is at the top.
Anyways, as tomorrow is the Santa Claus Parade... You know what today was supposed to be.
5 months of joking about it and to no avail. Damn, it would have been great.
Next year at the Mrs. Claus Parade!
1:22 PM
DAMN! Two weeks ago I even told Jess I had to find a costume for the Mrs. Claus Parade! Oh well. Next year I suppose.
3:54 PM
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