No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

We Are Wise Wise Women, We Are Giggling Girls

The Box banded together this week to keep each other sane... I can't believe it's only Tuesday. We've all been sobbing, stressing, twisty messes... but we're crawling together towards ice cream, tv, tea, and hugs and we're all still alive, which is pretty shocking at the moment. I'm not sure what is going to happen to all of us when we're split apart. Oh I lament for the end of the Box.

I had a conversation online tonight with another wonderful woman in my life. We've been living apart for years now but our lives are ridiculously similar! Here's an excerpt that made me laugh outloud:

Helen says: (10:14:14 PM)
well, this is the thing i'm struggling with

Helen says: (10:14:19 PM)
is that when you're together it's great

Helen says: (10:14:33 PM)
so is it better to go with your instincts when you're apart

Helen says: (10:14:39 PM)
or wait til you can be together

Helen says: (10:14:43 PM)
and then see how it feels

bex says: (10:14:53 PM)
yeah I don't know which instincts are right!

bex says: (10:15:53 PM)
I think what scares me the most, is the idea that I might lose this independant part of myself

Helen says: (10:16:04 PM)

Helen says: (10:16:12 PM)
cuz shouldn't that be the most important part?

Helen says: (10:16:15 PM)
the part we listen to?

bex says: (10:16:27 PM)

bex says: (10:17:02 PM)
yeah it's scary.

bex says: (10:17:12 PM)
we need some wise women mentors or something

Helen says: (10:17:38 PM)

Helen says: (10:17:46 PM)
but all we have are sex and the city reruns

bex says: (10:18:01 PM)
this is the problemĀ 

Helen says: (10:18:01 PM)
but i think we both know what wise women would say

Helen says: (10:18:12 PM)
to listen to the part we're both trying to ignore

bex says: (10:18:19 PM)
god that's scary

Helen says: (10:18:25 PM)

Helen says: (10:18:37 PM)
we can talk about anal sex again instead

Helen says: (10:18:39 PM)

bex says: (10:19:46 PM)
I love you!

I suppose that's the deal... we get older in this wacky heteronormative world of ours and have to make a greater effort to keep our little wisewoman circle together. I'm not sure I'm ready for a world where sobbing can't be immediately followed by a four woman congregation around a tub of Ben and Jerry's Half-baked without planning.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am not ready either and I do not want that to happen under any circumstances. If we can't live in the same apartment building (which I still really desperately want to do by the way) we HAVE TO at least live close by. If support can't be there within 5 minutes, it's too far... and five miutes is being generous.


7:46 PM


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