Earth Hour and a Half
After a little bit of complaining from Jess that Earth Hour doesn't allow the use of laptops on battery power, the box girls settled in for some earth hour KD by kandle light. When we finished eating we started singing environmental songs. It started with Jess serenading us with a tune written by David Suzuki that her elementary school sang every earth day, the camp songs "sew the seeds" and "this pretty planet", and then moved on to some that we all knew: "Big Yellow Taxi",and "Woodstock" by Joni, and then the less environmental, but equally fun to sing Janis songs, "Bobby McGee" and "Piece of my Heart", and the more enviro ani song "Evolve", and then the Dolly Parton classic "9 to 5", which has nothing to do with anything, but Jess insisted we sing it.
It was lovely.
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