No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Does that feel cold?

I had a really great neurologist appointment today. It was kind of fun will all the reflexes and the eye following and the touching my nose with my eyes closed. Fun. The doctor was great two. He actually treated me with respect which so far hasn't happened with any of the members of the medical community. He chatted, he was impressed when I didn't freak out about the possible diagnosis, and him and the receptionist gave me a muffin before I left. It was just so nice to go into a doctors office and not be treated like a 19 year old without her mommy.

So in two weeks I'll be doing a brain scan and a month or two from now I'll be trapped in an MRI. Oh yeah. I might have Multiple Sclerosis. Yup.

Here's the tally of things that I have been tested for this school year:

B12 deficiency
enlarged thyroid
heart murmer
chiropractic troubles
Reiki session (I'm not grounded)
Neurological troubles
Rheumatoid troubles
and now Multiple Sclerosis

Yay! But whatever, I was treated very well this morning and I left in a really good mood. Then I had all the fun of picking up 200 condoms and some lube from the Wellness Centre at school and carried them across campus to the WRC. It was fun. The bag said "Sabrina do not touch" on it, which made me laugh more than it probably should have.


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