"You could kill two birds in the stones" -My Doctor
10pm Wednesday to Thursday I spent 19 hours in a bed in Emergency trying to stay awake for a variety of testing for some bad stomach problems I've been having. As per usual with my wacky body, I went for a follow-up this morning and they don't know what it is, so they put me on some new meds (two pills two times a day, beefed up to four pills two times a day if I'm not better by Saturday) and I have to go back next week. Meanwhile I'm pretty much bedridden and in varying degrees of pain and discomfort. Yay!
In lieu of providing more details, here is a list of things Jess and I did to keep ourselves awake in the hospital (she made it until 7:00am, and then she started crazy talking so we called Steve in for a shift change). Anyway... we're brilliant.
Up All Night Games with Jess and Bex:
-What is your Jeopardy story? (real or imagined)
-One word stories (like the improv game... Jess kept making them about poo... topical)
-Celebrity Six degrees of separation (Notably connecting Michael Cane to Queen Latifah, and Zack Braff to Gwenyth Paltrow)
-Hospital Karaoke
-Hospital Don't forget the lyrics
-I reenacted last weeks episode of Lost for Jess because she had missed it (including the theme song summary song)
-We gossiped as best we could and tried to overhear the nurses station gossip... it turns out they're pretty boring. Though they did go on a McDonald's run around 3am, and Jess did hear that they were calling me Hard Poke (because my veins are so hard to get). I kind of like it. It makes me seem less slutty.
That's all I can think of at the moment. I'll edit if Jess remembers stuff that I don't. It was our weirdest sleepover ever.