No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Tuesday, November 30, 2004


Well the time has come for the final paper of the season and in true me fashion, I haven't started yet. It's an anthropology paper on crack dealers in East Harlem, but I finished the book today so how hard can it be?

So I'm sitting here downloading muppet songs and bloggin' instead of writing. I got another all-nighter paper back today which was entirely demoralizing. It was for my Shakespearean Contexts course and I got a 67%. Which only really bothers me because out of all three I was most confident about this one, and I followed every freakin' analysis step that the prof laid out. I'm going to go talk to him, because obviously I'm not understanding what's required and I have to do another one of these passage analysis on the final exam.

OH maturity.

Chances are I'll be back a'bloggin' before the night is out. I was filled with much Bush rage and not the kind where my vagina attacks.

Ken has been Jeopar-De-Throned

I just stumbled upon his timely end. It was really less exciting then I had hoped. He faltered on a question about H+R Block and that was it. There should have been some sort of cake.

Monday, November 29, 2004

Yeah, I'll Haiku You

Willing Matt minion
I follow his commands
He is in control

Wish my scarf was done
Cold wind biting at my throat
Slow hands leave me bare

Harsh feminist words
Seem like simple truth to me
Change fear for comfort

Not my best work... but meh. Haven't done that in a while.

Dan Burn and I would be Unstoppable

I've just returned from a weekend of stress, and yoga, and driving, and lesbians, and more driving. Bah. I have to catch the bus shortly so I don't have time to go in to details right now. But this weekend was eventful.

I feel like I'm completely detached from reality and teetering on the edge of something. I'm not sure what. I have an essay due on Wednesday, exams coming up, this Bar Mitzvah, and then the holidays. I have to buy a dress, but I don't want to buy a dress. I have to write, but I don't want to write right now. It's a problem.

Sometimes I feel like I'm selfish for keeping so much stress for myself.

Friday, November 26, 2004

You're Not Jamaican, Nor Do You Have a Bobsled Team

I can't link. It's not a secret. I'm one of those people that shouldn't really own a computer let alone try to blog. And yet here I am. So until someone teaches me, I am setting out this disclaimer so that no one gets all twisty about my lack of linkage. Frankly if you go to all the blogs are there. Those guys are the only ones I'd be linking to anyway, except for maybe T.Js. That chick's all right.

Despite my lack of html savvy, I do love to be blogged about. It's kind of my fetish. I get insanely excited about it. So all my fetishy love goes out to TexasGary who made my day. If your hot man friend and I were going to make babies it would have been a longtime ago and it would have been very VERY illegal. One day maybe we'll all hang out in a non-party sense. Yes? Yes.

In other news, I've just been informed that the hit single "The Naked Dance" is climbing in popularity with the University crowd. Covers have already been done by Phantom and T.J. along with a fabulous duet by Jess and myself. It's one catchy tune!

I was nine, gimme a break.

So I know I'm coming into this ten years late but...

OH MY GOD! Rayanne slept with Jordan Catalano!!!!!!!! I don't believe it. I haven't gotten that worked up over a show in quite sometime. Now I have to get my hands on those dvds! 3QF I'm lookin' in your direction! I know there's at least one set in there!


Why are there no terms for pre-adults? There are tweens, so why not twadults. Yes twadults.

My other fabulous musing today was that Goo-loph is the place where the staright and the gay come to become queer. If you've ever been to the U of Goo this will not be news. I just don't get it. It's like everyone refused to be labelled or something and now there's just a bunch of sexually open, yet confused, twadults running around.


Last night my seasonal high wore off into a mess of tears and panic which was too bad because for a short while everything was just peachy. But this morning I woke up with enough time to eat some instant oatmeal, set a tape for Survivor (which was SHOCKINGLY satisfying this evening... Tederick is sickeningly always right), and tie my shoes. It doesn't sound like much, but tying my shoes in the comfort of my own home is a rare occurence these days.

My first class of the day was Philosophy and it was a good one! Mostly because I got a paper back today from my infamous three paper all-nighter from two weeks back and I got 85%. I was blown away. I totally beat the system. The comment I got was that my paper was well thought out, logically organized, and well planned. I disagree. I wrote this paper between 4pm and 12am, so we'll see what happens with the paper that ran from 12am to 8am. That one could still be bad news. But yay me! I haven't handed in a paper late since grade eight, and I wasn't going to start that again.

I wonder how old you are when you lose the ability to write good papers in one night.

Thursday, November 25, 2004

I was nine, gimme a break.

So I know I'm coming into this ten years late but...

OH MY GOD! Rayanne slept with Jordan Catalano!!!!!!!! I don't believe it. I haven't gotten that worked up over a show in quite sometime. Now I have to get my hands on those dvds! 3QF I'm lookin' in your direction! I know there's at least one set in there!

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Look at me go!

Ahh I figured it out. Excellent.

And a special thanks goes out to Max, as my roommates and I sang the naked song on campus today. That's one catchy tune.

One day someone will teach me how to make links. One day.


Now one is above and one is below. Odd.

Uh, A little help?

Can someone tell me how to make it so my new posts appear above my old ones? I'm young and naieve.


What the fuck is a Boohbah? I first saw a Boohbah at Toys R Us. I squeezed it's chicken wing-like hand and watched it rotate while emitting a ghostly and resonating cry of "Booooooooohbaaaaaahhhh!". I was horrified to say the least. They are pear shaped and fuzzy all around except for their heads that are made of hard plastic. They look like big-eyed doll heads with warts all over them. And they are blue, pink, yellow, purple and orange.

So last night 3GST went to the Boohbah website, where we were further frightened. This site is made for doin' drugs. I just don't get it. They are apparently out of a children's tv show on pbs, but their site has no information at all. It's just a bunch of toddler geared games where you can't win. The creepiest part is that a lot of the games involve cut outs of humans flying around and such. And there's a dog too. I'm baffled to say the least. I really think it's a mind control technique. The I'm hoping to get my hands on an episode just to see what it's really like.

It's just to insane not visit:

Jesus was born. And so I get presents.

Okay, I'm not sure how this happened, but I've been hit hard with holiday spirit. Last night I whipped out the menorah and played some Chanukah songs and a couple Christmas songs and now all I want to do is decorate, bake, and shop.

I celebrate commercial Christmas. Being a Jew and all, I have no consumerism guilt. I figure I don't believe in Jesus, but man do I believe in Santa so why not? I've already set a date for my Chanukah party and within five minutes it went from small dinner party, to inviting twenty-five people over. Latkes for some, miniature Israeli flags for others.

Today I even went to the mall. The MALL! I bought some stuff at the dollar store to decorate with and I basically had to drag myself out of Zellers before I bought Christmas hairbands. Oh they had good ones with antlers and lights, and big puffy Christmas trees. Oh man. And I'm all jittery right now because I decided to compare the Starbucks Gingerbread Latte and the Second Cup Gingerbread Latte. Second Cup wins by far.

I think what put it over the top was the snowfall this afternoon. I went into my class and when I left the ground was covered in lasting snow and big fat snowflakes were falling. So now I'm sitting here listening to the South Park Christmas Album, a true classic. Oh I'm excited.