No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Owweee oweeee ow.

Happy Wednesday everyone! I have myself a bladder infection so I'm currently curled up on the floorbed aching and trying not to pee. I caught it early enough that it's not as bad as last time where I was crying in the bathroom all night and delirious with pain. I was able to make a pile of vegetarian sushi tonight while taking a few sit-down breaks, but now I'm hurting. I had to wait two hours at the walk-in clinic for my perscription, but I survived it. The doctor said that it's pretty much going to get worse over tonight and tomorrow and that the anti-biotics might not actually work. I don't want to spend the next two days all crumpled!

So yes, I excused myself from the gym tonight, which sounds about right to me, and now I'm going to spend the next hour snuggled watching trashy tv. I'll work later if I can focus.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Guelph Toronto Montreal Montreal Montreal Toronto Guelph

So bodily and emotionally tired! I arrived back in Guelph this morning and lugged my giant bag around all day until I collapsed on the floor bed for some unsatisfying napping. This weekend was so bizarre. There was a lot of feeling trapped and confused and angry at myself and just generally exhausted. The best parts included participating in a bilingual yoga class where I decided that my French is still good enough that I could teach a yoga class. The class was at the Y and there was a three year old's birthday party going on in the next room, so as we were all in final relaxation all we could hear was the peircing shriek of a small boy singing "Bonne Fete" (excuse my incompetance... I don't know how to make accents appear on my keyboard... I used to just pen them in after I printed). It was hilarious. No chiming meditation bells, but hilarious!

The other good part was going to see the McGill production of Little Shop of Horrors. I LOVE that musical. And Seymore and Audrey were amazing. Better than I expected for a student production. The voice of Audrey two was a little unfortunate, but all in all it was a solid and enjoyable production. Especially when going with the expectations brought down by Guelph's production of Cabaret four years ago.

Otherwise it was a rather strange weekend and it left me feeling generally unsettled and tired. I snuck in a good night with Steve last night which is incredibly helpful for my sanity. I feel like I'm counting down the days to my next trip to Toronto, which is hard when I think it might have to be two weeks from now.

Tomorrow my day is pretty much insane. I have absolutely no breaks from 11:30am to 8:30pm. I'm not sure how I'm going to pull that off, especially without buying food. I have to top off my meal card! Anyway, send me happy thoughts. Especially since I'm coming home to write an assignment. Ow.

Friday, January 26, 2007

"And there's the Mountain"

I'm in Montreal! How'd that happen? All is generally well and cold. I had an excellent hang out night last night and I'm feeling pretty good. Nomi and I had a productive train ride where we sewed the holes and buttons of our coats and we did a lot of reading. Up until Kingston there was a ridiculously irresponsible TA marking papers loudly and publicly, which was awkward and obnoxious. There was also a two year old little British boy who narrated every time the train stopped, started, or made a noise. Cute.

I don't know quite what I'm going to do today, but it's going to be Montreal styles. And I'm starting with a bagel.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Master Procrastinators

Steve sent this to me with the message "i cant even understand how this happened". Me neither. But thinking about it is more fun then trying to churn out a horrendously sub-par assignment.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Unicycle, Hockey Puck, Monkey Monkey Underpants.

I had myself an excellent sleep in this morning with my Steve. I think sleeping in is better when it's to purposefully skip class... and I'm not alone. It's very dangerous though.

After Steve left I headed to my most challenging class where my brain hurt for an hour and a half, then I went to the Centre where I worked for an hour and a half, and then I went to my group thing where I wanted to cry for an hour and a half. Tuesdays are long and stressful. I'm trying my best not to get all broken, but it's a little difficult. I'm going to Montreal with Nomi on Thursday night which I'm hoping will be good, but I have a huge sense of impending doom. Pretty much for no good reason... but what else is new.

There were some interesting updates in the world of AT and AC today, for all those of you who were wondering what was up with that wacky bunch! AC is engaged! That's what happens when you don't believe in premarital sex! (Or if you're not as cynical as I am, that's what happens when you've found true love). And AT, contrary to popular belief did not fall off the face of the earth and into a vat of bubble tea, but transferred to Ryerson. I suppose that's why I haven't seen her all year. What an odd world.

Monday, January 22, 2007

My Sweet Tat

Okay, so this is what I'm getting in the middle of my chest... It's going to be a faery riding a dragonfly provocatively while getting fucked by a moon goddes who is female ejaculating all over my right nipple. Hot.

"My strategy is... I'm going to show him my boobs. Both of them"

Well, Nomi and I are having a trash-a-thon watching MTV Canada which is shockingly awful. Well... not shockingly... it's more logically awful. So far we've watched Made, Room Raiders, and we're currently watching Next which is the most awful dating show I've ever seen. It was all good when the guys were competing for the woman (kind of stupid, but not as offensive). These women made me cover my mouth in horror several times in fifteen minutes. Oh wasting my life. I'm just so tired!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Lesbiman? Or Manbian?

I'm sitting here watching my third episode of the L Word for the day and I'm feeling pretty dazed. My plans for this evening will either be watching some fourth season L Word and then going out to the Albion, or alternately I'll be staying home and reading until 11:30 and then sewing the rips in my coat while I watch SNL. Both plans seem pretty excellent at the moment... but mostly I'm leaning towards staying home since I'm already in pyjama pants and my old LHS hoody. So comfy.

Messica called me this afternoon and I appreciated it. She sounds wonderful and I miss her a lot. I did the Jess dance to the dvd music between L Word episodes and it made me miss the days of Jess and I singing the QAF dvd music with the "woooooooooaaaaannnnnnnhh". It was so strange forcing myself out of bed to go to the market today without Jessie. Saturdays are supposed to be go to the market without having breakfast because we slept until the last possible second, buy salsa, springrolls (and dolmades for me), come home and eat while watching trashy tv, then pretending we're going to read, but actually just taking a nap. It was sweet that she called me because she knew I was doing it alone this week.

Oh so torn about what to do with myself tonight.


I just got an e-mail from "King Sally" with the subject line "Are you still with short woody? ;)"... and I thought... I AM short woody! Good one internet.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Sex with Bex #4

Welcome to the first Sex with Bex of 2007!

Since the theme is the environment and we’re all starting to save up for our summer plans, I thought I’d throw together a few tips (with the help of on how to enjoy the outdoors-- sexy styles… particularly in a camping type setting.

First of all, be aware of where you are. Campgrounds are often close quarters and tent walls are thin! You may want to commune with nature through your passionate lovemaking, but try to remember you may not be the only one in the woods. If you’re camping along water be aware that sound travels easily for great distances. If you’re outside of the tent, make sure you learn your plant types. Avoiding stinging nettle, poison ivy, poison oak, etc. is imperative!
If you’re camping out in bear country and things start getting smooth, you should be aware that there have been several documented cases of couples being attacked during of just after having sex. There’s a possibility that the sounds and smells of sex attract bears, but it’s also possible that the people in these cases were so overtaken with lust that they just didn’t clean up their site properly and the bears were just looking for a snack.
Speaking of clean-up, it’s important to remember that used safer sex devices like condoms and dental dams are animal magnets since they are covered in bodily fluids. You shouldn’t burn or bury these materials because that would be quite environmentally unfriendly. You also shouldn’t keep them in your tent in case of curious animals. Should store them in a double sealed plastic bag with the rest of your garbage and take it with you when you leave your campsite until you get to a proper place for disposal.

You should also be aware that bodily fluids can be tough on those fancy sleeping bags as the sweat and body oils work at breaking down the fabric. You may want to consider packing an extra lovin’ blanket, or bringing an old sleeping bag.
So there you go, now you can begin to plan your sexy summer camping trip, or alternately plan some bear-free snowy sex.


Dear Bex,

how is it possible that when i have my period and i'm wearing a diva cup i can still get quite wet? i think it's the same for people wearing a tampon?... it amazes me every time. i love my cunt. i'm assuming the natural lube comes from the lower parts of the
vaginal walls? i can't think of any other explanation. it would be awesome if you also found out some possible biological explanations for this configuration.

Lubey and Lovin’ It

Dear Lubey,

How appropriate to bring up the Diva Cup in the environmental issue! For those of you out there who don’t know, the Diva Cup is an environmentally friendly menstrual product made of medical grade silicone. It’s inserted into the vagina where it collects up the blood so you can dump it out into the toilet (or to feed your plants if you’re feeling botanical). Diva Cups are available at most health food stores and also at the GRCGED on campus if you’re interested. As Lubey mentioned, it doesn’t interfere with natural vaginal lubrication, which can happen with tampons that can absorb your natural fluids (besides blood), and cause unpleasant irritation. (

Anyway, yes, natural lubrication is secreted from the vaginal walls, not just the lower part, and is part of the first stage of sexual response cycle. There’s only a general understanding of what natural lube is made up of. Throughout the menstrual cycle, vaginal mucus changes in response to the body’s hormone production. When sexual arousal kicks in, a sweating reaction in the vaginal walls occurs making them wet. This wetness mixed with the vaginal mucus creates the lubrication that you know and love. It can contain carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, and other acids produced by the normal lactobacillus bacteria. (Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity, 2004)

Basically when you’re stimulated and you get lubed up, Diva Cups don’t absorb anything you can tell!

Dear Bex,

I am a man with a deliciously voluptuous female partner and I’m wondering if you have any ideas of sexual positions we can try to maximize our close contact during sex?

Dangerous Curves Ahead


Obviously everyone’s bodies are different so it’s going to take some experimenting, but there are definitely a few positions you can try to maximize the pleasure for you and your partner. First, good old fashioned doggie style can yield deep penetration whether your partner is curvy or not.

You can also try having your partner lie on her side and raise her upper leg as high as is comfortable. Then you put your knees on either side of her lower thigh and enter her. She can then rest her upper leg on your shoulder and you can control thrusting by holding onto her leg or placing your hands in comfortable place on her bum and tummy, etc.

Spooning is also a possibility where you both lie on your sides and you penetrate from behind (this is a low impact position in terms of exertion and has been referred to as the magic position… especially when feeling sleepy and lusty at the same time). Finding good sex positions for both of you is going to take some trial and error… but that sounds pretty fun to me!

Fun Fact:

Did you know that the “G” in “G-spot” is named for Ernest Grafenberg, a gynecologist who discovered that women could orgasm from stimulation of this spot. He also discovered that these orgasms are sometimes accompanied by the discharge of fluid from the urethra. Fancy.


Dick: A User’s Guide by Dr. Michele C. Moore and Dr. Caroline de Costa

I bought this fine book about wang toting for my little brother on his thirteenth birthday and boy was there giggling! The text uses clear language and funny anecdotes to educate and dispel common misconceptions about the penis. Key topics in the texts include “Size (does it matter)”, “Condoms”, “Proper Hygiene”, “Safety”, and my personal favourite “Effective Handling”. I think this book is incredibly accessible and entertaining guide to all things penis related.

Please send your questions to

Ain't No Other Man

I gotta say, Xtina makes me want to kick ass and have sex, and that's really what I'm looking in a popstar.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

melty and messy

I'm going to nap my ass off tomorrow. When I got home tonight I read for an hour and I don't even remember falling asleep but I was out cold. I was dreaming really intensely... I don't remember what about... but I woke up feeling drained and vulnerable. Strange.

I'm hoping that I'll be amazing at reading this weekend because that would make next week SOOOO much easier. We'll see. I'm also hoping to do some letter writing in order keep my far away friends happy and loving me.

Yikes, I just got a tingly scalp feeling like there's a ghost playing with my hair. I'm alone in the house and I'm really hoping everyone gets back soon. Especially since Tama owes me 17 minutes of sexy massage... but also because I'm a little creeped out.

I'm sorry this is so disjointed. My life is overwhelming right now and every night this week I've been crying and feeling like I can't do "tomorrow". I think the fact that I've been sleeping until 5 minutes before the bus is the only reason that I'm not staying in bed all day. I get up and dressed so fast that I forget how scared I am.

Anyway, I'm optimistic.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


For those of you keeping track... after this semester I need:

Feminist Theory and Methods
A Medieval or Early Modern Literature
American Lit
A Fourth Year English seminar

Any thoughts on whether I should drop Critical Practices and take next year? I'm frightened.


The professor who is my hero brought her baby to class again today, and let me tell you people, there is nothing in the entire world cuter and more hilarious than a baby laughing a real hearty baby laugh when his mother says the word "fellatio". Good lord is was the best thing I have ever seen all day!

Annie Get Your Bong

I think there's only been one or two days where I haven't cried in 2007... which is not good, but interesting anyway. I'm trying to keep my life a bit together and it's a bit messy. But I finally put away my clothes that I brought back from the break, which is a vast improvement.

Last night the Box had a whole bunch of people over to watch The L Word for our Lesbian Pop Culture class. Everyone ended up staying and talking and laughing and yawning until 1:30am. It was excellent. It was just nice to have some new people around and hear some new stories, and get some big laughs for my old ones. So there world! The Box isn't only friends with each other!

I went to the gym today to start my journey towards loosing 40 pounds... well at least I went.

And I talked to my Macelod who says "Don't forget our souls are intertwined so we're not cosmically appart!". She seems to be doing well and I miss her a lot. I'm glad I got to talk to her though because I was feeling all disconnected. I haven't lived with out Jess for more than like 3 weeks in the past four years... and it hurts a little bit.

If anyone feels like making the trip to see me this weekend let me know. It's going to be a little bit lonely.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Hank and Hank

I had a surprising weekend... in that I got home from class on Friday and "Surprise!" I decided to head back to the T-dot instead of staying at the box all alone this weekend. It was definitely better that I decided to go home as my psyche is generally a little bit broken lately and being alone all weekend pretty much would have destroyed me. I spent some excellent nights with my Steve which were very necessary and involved lots of singing and guitar playing and surprisingly some reading.

I'm pretty nervous about this upcoming week and, really, the upcoming semester as a whole. I'm trying to make some decisions about book ordering online and how important editions are to my situation... and whether I like soft cover better than hard cover (in a situation where hardcover is the only thing available). The plan is that by the end of tomorrow I'll have all of my books and I'll be good to go... in that respect anyway. Tonight I fell asleep ten pages into an article that I have to read by tomorrow, so that's no good. It led me to making hot chocolate, shopping for books online, and watching the Golden Globes. At least one of those things contributes to my academic development. I'll do it all later. I just want to go to bed right now!

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Cookie Dough and Icing is a Reasonable Dinner

I did about an hour of reading tonight and it seems like I was reading forever! This is a BAD BAD sign.

The Empty Partially Blue Room

Oh my. Clearly we all know that I am mentally unstable, but at least when I'm feeling as drained and upset as I am I know I'm not completely far gone because I'm able to feel a sense of relief among all the feelings of wanting to stay in bed all day. After last nights fiasco of potential tenants and tears I got some relief from Jess' mom tonight. She took the pressure off a lot. We're going to keep trying to find someone, but we shouldn't feel forced to live with someone that we don't feel comfortable with. Anyway, we'll keep the posting up and keep showing the room, because living with a 40-ish woman who has two kids and a husband in Thornhill isn't ideal. She seemed nice enough, but the fact that she showed up with her car packed up and ready to move in right then was unsettling. That, and the fact that since she left the house she has called me three times to find out if she can move in even though I told her I would call her at 8pm tonight, makes me feel strange about her moving in.

I'm trying really hard to not get too emotionally involved with this whole thing, but I'm a little worried about how frantic this woman seems to get into a place in Guelph. I'm just concerned there's something scary going on, and not just that she's sick of driving. Anyway, it's probably better that we don't get involved, but I still worry a little. It's not my job... it's not my job.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Day Three

Well, I'm already behind on my readings... hilarious... and my Sex With Bex is REALLY late. Any question ideas? Anybody? I just need one more. It's going to be a particularly unfulfilling sex with bex, but at least I'll be in there. We're having some severe drainage problems at the box which means we're going to be having adventures in store-bought plumbing toys this afternoon. We're showing the house to two potential subletters this afternoon and I'm not feeling particularly optimistic about either of them. I'm trying to be open minded, but I really don't want to spend the next four months feeling uncomfortable. I had enough of that with AC and AT in 2003. I'm done with that. We'll see how it goes. I think it will go awkwardly.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Jesus is Good, Jesus is Great, Sinning is Bad, It ain't no debate

Well, the first day is over. We had ourselves a feast of faux-gers, nachos, and there are brownies in the oven. We rented ourselves a movie and we're going to take it easy tonight with massages and some letter writing. A group of three first year strangers that may be my future roommates came to see the house today. It was... interesting. I'd be like the grownup living in the basement. Anyway, it will be interesting. My schedule is close to getting sorted out, my finances are frightening, and my heart is a little bit sore, but I'm okay.

Tama and I had our annual calendar buying adventure. This year we went for one entitled "stuff on my cat" and it's brilliantly exactly what it sounds like.

Come visit us! The Box is sad and Macelod-less.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Back to the Goo

Oh boy. I'm back in the Box and starting tomorrow I will have strangers coming in to see the empty room where Jessica once lived. Ow. It means I'm going to have to get my room cleaned and the house looking decent enough to show. Oh man. I'm currently not to worried about making an impression... but I guess I should be.

I've been going through all of my possible courses and I'm frustrated and displeased. I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm at least a little bit together with Centre stuff. I think I'll have some tea and some family guy and then go upstairs to do some cleaning before sleep.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007


Your results:
You are Superman

Wonder Woman
Iron Man
Green Lantern
The Flash
You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Test

2007 1 Bedroom Available in Guelph!

If anyone needs a place to live in Guelph for CHEAP! Spread the word!

House Details:

No Smoking
Parking Included
Laundry Facilities
Cooking Facilities
Preferences: Student

Price: $250

Contact Name: Becca Wood
Contact Email:
Address:63 Dovercliffe rd, Guelph


Big, colourful, open house to share with three friendly feminist female students. The house has a full kitchen, 1 1/2 bathrooms, laundry facilities, free parking, garage space, access to a pool in the summer, and free longdistance for phonecalls in Canada or US. Internet and cable included. Two minute walk from a bus stop. Two minute walk from river, quarry, and nature trails. Convenience store and pizza place right across the street. Applicants must be queer-positive and open-minded.

So far...

So far in 2007:

-I eat a veggie burger everyday
-I colour a cunt
-I wear mittens
-I love my roommates
-I mock mennonites
-I kiss Steve