No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007


Chick fight in the rain next week! Can I just stay home and watch lost tomorrow?

"Look like the innocent flower, but be the serpent under't" Macbeth 1.5.75

My favourite Shakespeare line, and really my favourite communications tactic. I spent all day as the innocent flower preparing arguments and managing accusations. I calmed others, and got them all floralled up and ready to smile pretty as we watched our backs... and then I failed. I cried and I panicked and I burned out. I spent four hours straight in meetings and explanations, in preperations, and in carefully worded communications. And then I had to stop. I thought I would be okay and pull myself together, but I couldn't. I was supposed to be a strong voice tonight and instead I'm at home quietly coiled up. I was supposed to be a leader, especially after leading all day today, and I let my group down. I just disappeared and cried.

late night

Tama loves Viva La Bam.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

torn up paper

I'm feeling physically wrong right now. I don't know quite what to do about it. I can't seem to be able to find that line between being responsible to others and being responsible to myself. I can't decide when my voice has been heard enough, or whether there's still more to say.

My paper is slowly progressing. I need to track down some perfect quotes to fill in some blanks, but I wrote a 786 word outline last night, which is helpful for a 2000 word essay. It will be in on Thursday...I hope. Friday at the latest anyway.

I continue to be sniffly and coughy and generally exhausted, but the sun was nice today and I drank a bubbly frog Italian soda, so it's not all bad.

Monday, March 26, 2007

drip drip drop

I'm still sick and not so good. I'm stressed and a little bit immobilized right now. I got my bloodwork done today, which is good, but I had myself a little anxiety attack first. I'm feeling really sick and cloudy headed and generally unhappy. I'm trying to push a lot of things out of my mind in order to focus on my assignments right now, but I'm not so good at that.

I'm sniffling and coughing and I just want to cry, which makes it very hard to write papers. I have two papers for tomorrow. I just feel like I'm melting into the floor.

Christ I don't know how I'm going to do this. How am I supposed to get things done and be strong for people when I can't even hold my own body up for more than five minutes?

Mazel Tov

This is apparently what Steve and I look like at a Bar Mitzvah. A little bit like George Harrison and Minnie Driver?

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Sex with Bex #7 (The Last One of the Year)

(This is similar to the Vagina Friday that I guest wrote for Yeah I said it. Twice)

Is everyone stressed yet? One of my favourite ways to de-stress in these wacky exam times is to colour a cunt. Yup, that’s want I said. One of the best stress relieving gifts I’ve received this year was the “Cunt Colouring Book” by Tee Corinne. This book is a collection of line drawings of women’s vaginas that Corinne did in 1973 for use in sex education groups. In the preface to the book she says “I wanted the drawings to be lovely and informative, to give pleasure and affirmation.” The idea of turning the drawings into a colouring book is based in the notion as a child we learn to understand the world through colouring, in this way, colouring cunts is a way for people to “revision and reclaim this part of the body from which we have been estranged.” When the book was first published in 1975 it was widely popular, but people complained about the “awful” title, so it was republished in 1981 under the euphemistic title “Labiaflowers”, and it’s popularity died. It was republished under its original title in 1988 and is available in bookstores in the sex education and women’s studies sections. The text in the “Cunt Colouring Book” is also translated into four languages, which makes it easy to share! Personally I think it’s excellent to zone out and colour a fluorescent green cunt with a bright purple clit and wild blue pubic hair. It’s a great break from studying. No thinking, just cunt colouring. Post them around campus! That would be wild!

Lube up and Play safe!

Dear Bex,

I am dying for a little analingus. My lover won't go near my thatched up asshole, though. Is it possible to get a Brazilian wax on a butthole? I don't think digging around back there with a Gilette Mach 3 is a particularly good idea.


Hairy Hole

Dearest Hairy Hole,

Firstly make sure that your partner’s aversion to analingus isn’t only because of the hair-factor. There could be other issues at play here. It is definitely possible to get a Brazilian wax (removing all of the hair through the use of hot wax and fabric strips) around the anus, though I’m not sure how much it would cost or how to ask for it. According to you would ask for a Mongolian wax, with the etymological explanation being that if you drilled a hole through the earth in Brazil, you’d come out on the other side in Mongolia. My personal favourite male-centered term was the “up-sack-crack-wax” which would include a scrotum wax along with the crack hair removal. If you’re a woman and heading out for a Brazilian wax I’m sure you could just ask them to throw in a crack-waxing while you’re already half-naked and vulnerable, but it might be best to ask before the waxing starts to avoid embarassment.

Once you feel happy with your smooth anal area, check out for some bum-tongue-lovin’.


Hi Bex,

Is it possible to get pregnant when you have your period and are on the pill? What about if you’re not on the pill? I’ve heard that you can’t… but I’m sceptical.

-Bleedin’ and Bonin’

Hey BB,

You’re right to be sceptical. It’s definitely possible to get pregnant when you have your period if you’re not on the pill, so it’s important to use a method of birth control to avoid any panics. If you are on the birth control pill you have the same chance of getting pregnant that you do any other time during your cycle (which is a small one). The pill stops you from ovulating, so there shouldn’t be any egg to fertilize, but it’s never 100% sure, so using protection would likely still be a good idea.

It’s also very possible to get sexually transmitted infections and HIV from having unprotected sex during your period whether you’re on the pill or not, so make sure you use a condom. (Pavanel, “The Sex Book”).

Dear Bex,

I'm a fan of being fucked up the ass, and last weekend my girlfriend did me with a strap-on. It was fantastic. The problem is that for the next few days, whenever I took a dump there were small amounts of blood. No pain at all, but a little blood. It seems to have stopped now. Is this something I should be worried about?

-Bum Lovah

Bum Lovah,

Congrats on your fantastic anal sex! Well, the skin of the rectum and around the anus is very easy to tear, so the blood in your poo is probably just from small tears in that general region from being penetrated. Tears can also happen from things like having particularly hard poos that you have to strain to get out, so drinking a lot of water and increasing your fibre intake could help if that’s the cause. If the blood continues for more than a day or two, or if there’s any mucus in your poo, or if you have a lot of stomach pain accompanying the blood, I’d head to the doctor because that’s would indicate that there may be a problem a little deeper, if you will. If the blood increases at all or the pain is localized directly around your anus, you may have an anal fissure, which is a small tear or cut in the skin lining the anus. It can be extremely painful, but the treatment usually involves stool softening methods and it heals on it’s own. It’s definitely not too hard to deal with, it just may involve being brave and letting a medical practitioner stick a finger into your asshole to check it out. They lube up first, but it’s usually cold and not so exciting as strap-on sex. Take care of your bum! Good luck! (

Lung Butter

I'm back in the Goo after my weekend of feverishness and experiments in Judaism. It all went generally well. I did a bit of reading and not much else. My head is feeling a little less cloudy today so hopefully I'll be able to put some words on paper.

I had a doctor's appointment on Friday and it turns out I've got me a bronchial infection. I usually don't go to the doctor for coughs and colds, but I've got me some anti-biotics and hopefully it will all clear up soon. I'm still coughing and sniffly and generally not well, but I slept through last night without waking up coughing every hour, so that's good, and I haven't been coming in and out of a fever all day today. I attended shabbot dinner with a mild fever and I was pretty much delirious with fever on Friday afternoon.

They tried to do more blood work on Friday and failed. I got a digger and it hurt worse than it has in a long time. I imagine being in my weakened state didn't help with that. I have to go fill three more vials and it's very upsetting.

I would mostly just like to go to bed right now, but I can't use the magic note so much that it screws me in the end. That defeats the magic.

But my bed is so comfy...

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Feminist Shit Disturbing is Necessary... but It Hurts my Stomach

Sleepy, dased and sore-throated. I did nothing this week in accordance to my MS letter that says I'm not supposed to do anything for the next 2-3 weeks (which is virtually impossible), but yeah.

Thanks to the magic of cranio-sacral therapy my eye is almost completely better and my numbness is gone. Suck on that MS. I'm heading home on the next greyhound for a weekend of bar mitzvah fun. I'm generally nervous and uprepared, but that's the them of this semester apparently. I need to crank out at least two papers this weekend. It is very necessary.

I generally feel like I'm drifting right now, which is only really a problem when I have to be responsible for things. I had terrible nightmares last night about being raped on a beach and being screamed at by my partner for it and him generally not believing me as I had an anxiety attack. Can you have attacks in your sleep? It felt really real.

There's all kinds of awesome scandal in the Goo right now, but among all of that my week was brightened by some creative geniuses who took painting the cannon to a new level of brilliance. (It's a Guelph tradition to paint the canon in the main area of campus in the wee hours of the morning and then guard it until dawn). Usually the cannon is painted with stupid things like "Mike rocks", "Prairie 4 FR", or "Steph will you marry me?", but on occaision the cannon is transformed. Last week someone covered the cannon clover cut-outs and built a cardboard rainbow that came out of the end and into a pot of gold, that was the best one I had seen all year, until yesterday. Someone painted the cannon beige, attached a black boa of pubic hair and built some weighty testicles on either side and then took some very special steps.

Step One: They cut a hole in a box
Step Two: They put that junk in that box

That's right, these artistes built a gigantic Dick in a Box with a fridge box wrapped in blue with a bow on top. By the time I went home to get my camera it was dismantled by the Man. Seriously, that's what cannon painting is all about. Cudos to you early risers!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Hire me as Spiritual Life Coordinator?

PoliSci is the best class for a Doodle Poem

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

"Stop showing off camels, and drink something already"

I'm dazed out, but I did some sweet Centre work tonight. I'm just lounging with the lappy watching a QUALITY episode of Colbert. Things are coming together for my last 15 hours of work, which is nice. I'm definitely going to end up working more than my allotted hours, but not insanely so.

The Langs are sick and it's getting to me! Foolish Langs! I have to give a Bar Mitzvah speech on Saturday... damn I gotta write me a Bar Mitzvah speech.

Monday, March 19, 2007

Killing Time Before the Work Starts:

I stole this off of Matt's blog and I'm not sorry.

1. You can only say YES or NO!

2. You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks!

I think the question must be "Have you ever...."

Made out with a member of the same sex? YES
Danced in front of your mirror? YES
Told a lie? YES
Regretted a lie so much that is hurt? YES
Gotten in a car with people you just met? YES
Gone home with someone you just met? NO
Been in a fist fight? NO
Had feelings for someone who didn't have them back? YES
Been arrested? NO
Left your house without telling your parents? YES
Ditched school to do something more fun? YES
Slept in a bed with a member of the same sex? YES
Seen someone die? NO
Kissed a picture? YES
Cried at a movie? YES
Slept in until 3? YES
Laid on your back and watched cloud shapes go by? YES
Played dress up? YES
Fallen asleep at work/school? YES
Felt an earthquake? NO
Touched a snake? YES
Ran a red light? NO
Had detention? YES
Been in a car accident? YES
Pole danced? NO
Stripped? YES
Been lost? YES
Sang karaoke? YES
Done something you told yourself you wouldn't? YES
Done something Illegal? YES
Laughed until something you were drinking came out your nose? NO
Caught a snowflake on your tongue? YES
Kissed in the rain? YES
Sang in the shower? YES
Got your tongue stuck to a pole? NO
Ever gone to school partially naked? DEFINE PARTIALLY.
Sat on a roof top? YES
Played chicken? NO
Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? NO
Been told you're hot by a complete stranger? NO
Been told you're ugly by a compete stranger? YES
Been called names by a complete stanger? YES
Broken a bone? NO
Mooned/flashed someone? YES
Forgoten someone's name? YES
Slept naked? YES
Blacked out from drinking? NO
Puked from drinking too much? NO
Played a prank on someone? YES
Felt like killing someone? YES
Made a parent cry? YES
Cried over someone? YES
Had sex more than 10 times in one day? NO
Had sex more than 4 times in one day? YES
Had/Have a dog? YES
Been in a band? YES (I played the tennis racket guitar)
Drank 25 sodas in a day? NO
Shot a gun? NO
Liked this survey? YES

I like it better when I can make comments. In fact I wonder if I have my old survey that I worked my ass off on in grade ten. That would be kind of hilarious to track down. Procrastination here I come!

The Cutest Leprechaun

I had a fine weekend. Despite all the medical garbage, I enjoyed much snuggling and green beverages, which made everything nice and tingly. I'm back int he Goo calmly taking on my Monday. I don't have a grand plan yet about how to play this week, but I guess I just keep going and trying to go to bed early... well earlier than 3am. You'd think that would be an attainable goal, but I'm not so sure.

The small 3QF St. Patrick's day was quite enjoyable. I had party cleavage on though when I should have gone with gathering cleavage. Ah well. When in doubt tits out. Things were very green and snacky which I appreciated, and all were cheerfully drunk. The only down moment was that I perceived safety of my booze because of the small crowd when I should have been wary. I was highly deceived. I thought that all of the missing alcohol had been guzzled by me, but it turns out people were helping themselves. Damn them. Though Matt drunkenly hid my bottle and we all played the passive game, which was fun.

I'm sleepy and there's still so much day left! Moh well. Class soon. I'm sure I'll do some procrastinatory blogging later on.

Thanks 3QF for the hottest St. P's party ever! And to the rest of you who didn't show up... especially Matty Price... what the damn hell man?

Friday, March 16, 2007

Just Call Me Cherry Aimless!

I'm back in the T-dot now for my day of appointments... well two appointments. As it turns out the MS clinic thought that I had a neurologist following up with me this past year. Which is funny, because they are they only neurologist style folk I've been seeing in the last two years and I made it quite clear I wasn't going to see that person in Guelph again. Strange.

So MS is back on the table, though I don't think I have it. I'm going to have to do another evoked potential test at some point and another brain and neck MRI. I also went to see my cranio-sacral therapist today who said she doesn't think I have MS and made me feel a lot better. If anyone wants to make a donation to some cranio-sacral treatments you just let me know, because it ain't cheap but it's mind-blowingly effective. Last time my numbness stopped three days after the appointment, so think happy thoughts and maybe it will happen again!

Now I'm going to eat mountains of sushi in Steve's bedroom while doing homework... which is watching the movie Far From Heaven for a paper I have to write. Excellent.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Funky Fresh

I just spent over two hours screwing around on facebook. Ridiculous. I created a group called The Box, and now you all want to join! It's so time-wasty, and yet so satisfying and stalk-a-licious. Apparently someone I went to highschool with was in the Miss Canada pageant. Who knew?

Anyway, I finished my last presentation of the semester today which is awesome, so now I just have to write up a short assignment to hand in tomorrow and I'll be set for the Box tv extravaganza! We'll be watching (starting at 7pm) The Pussy Cat Dolls: Search for the next doll (or whatever the fuck it's called), Box Model, 4 episodes of the L Word on dvd (to finish off season 1) and Lost. Oh yeah. That's some sweet demon box.

Then tomorrow will be non-stop from 8am to whenever I get into Toronto 15 hours later. Not impressive world. I'm going ot have to let off some serious green steam on Saturday night.

filled with tea and rocks

It's almost one in the morning and my paper is no closer to being finished, and I'm only mildly prepared for my presentation. It will all be fine, I'd just prefer to be asleep or watching Roseanne like there's no tomorrow. Today was generally strange and involved an hour this afternoon on the floor of the centre feeling all dizzy and heavy. Sleeping would be good, but putting off all of this work until tomorrow would be silly because I intend to be watching television from 7pm to 11pm in a mindless stupour. Mmmmm stupour. Is that how you spell stupour? I'm not looking it up, so deal with it.

Oh so sleepy.

Monday, March 12, 2007


I'm ACTUALLY procrastinating sleeping right now. This is not right. I think I'm 100% ready to show up for my group presentation meeting entirely unprepared tomorrow. It will all work out because it has to.

Killer Queen!

Besides all of the other insanity I had the best night I've had in a LONG while on Friday night. It involved thai food, much lovin' and Guitar Hero. Let me assure you that I rock. I rock harder than would be expected, and I intend to rock harder when I play again next weekend. Yay me.

Saturday morning was also good as it involved sleeping in (though not enough to balance staying up until 4:30am), and a big breakfast, which I ate wearing a makeshift bedsheet dress. If it hadn't been so cold out I would have worn it all day.

Bleed and Bleed, and Then Fall Down

Today was a hilarious medical day in the world of Bex. Shortly after the goodness of IWD (that very night in fact...) I went numb on the right side of my body from just under my right breast to my toes. Hilarious. Good thing I got up bright and early to go see my GP, who I enjoy. After telling her about my eye she said "it's always a mystery with you, isn't it" and didn't even offer a hypothesis. We proceeded to decide on a ridiculous list of boodtests from syphillis, to mono, to thyroid, and back to B12 again and I'm heading back to the MS clinic for some more testing. I don't know when, because apparently to the MS clinic "urgent" means August. So yeah, that's happening.

When I sat down to do the bloodwork I told the nurse exactly where to put the needle and what kind to use. She asked me how I was with bloodwork and I told her I get dizzy, but I wasn't all that worried. I sat in the chair instead of lying down because I was sure that she wasn't going to get it on the first try, so I could lie down afterwards. But she got it on the first try so I was stuck in the chair, which seemed okay until about number five when everything started getting a little fuzzy. The nurse told me my colour was changing and asked me if I wanted to stop. There was no freakin way I was going to stop with two left, so I said no. And then I lost my hearing and my vision faded out. The nurse yelled for someone else to come in and hold my head up so I wouldn't hit the floor. All I know is that they got all the blood they needed and I was mentally working my ass (brain?) off to stay concious. The first nurse was fanning me with my file and saying "I told you so" and the other nurse brought me some water because they didn't have any juice. What the hell is the point with no tiny paper cup of juice at the end?

I wish fainting was as glamorous as it seems. I pretty much just felt like dizzy garbage for the rest of the day and I'm still feeling a little bit lightheaded and distracted. It was a wild and wacky medical day. Stay tuned for more soon!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Big Honkin' Public Happy Dance... (i'm awesome)

Today went beautifully! I've been holding on all day to the postive. I'm not going to let my mind twist how well the International Women's Day Breakfast went this morning. I was going to say that I got a big rectangle and I wasn't going to let it turn into a triangle... but then I'd have to admit to the world that I'm starting to buy into the core belief lingo that I mocked so hard. Oh learning new language for every situation!

Anyway, the breakfast... Last night I stayed up until about 3am doing little bits to prepare and homework, then this morning I got up at 7am and made 75 straight up pancakes and 75 vegan pancakes from scratch. I got one sweet quarter sized burn on my right hand that still sings, which is awesome. I love mild battle wounds. Around 8:40 Tama and I got into a cab with four giant grocery bags, two back packs, and one thermal cooler filled with pancakes, and it just went beautifully from there.

The breakfast ran from 9:30-11:30 and we had about fifty people come through, maybe a few more. I had a loonie table with sweet prizes like a diva cup, some Beck's Beads necklaces, a handmade scarf, some bath stuff and some flower-shaped candles. We made $84 on ticket sales which is excellent. Oh yeah I coordinater some fundraising and an event!

I just felt like I was in my element today at the breakfast. I ran the show, I reminded myself to delegate and (after some reminders) allowed myself to take a break to eat something. I was walking around and introducing myself, I was selling tickets, I was chatting with people... it was so great! There were a lot of people there that I've never seen around the Centre, which is excellent and so important because we're always worried about visibility on campus. People also seemed really happy to have a celebratory space with free food and music and mingling. It all made me happy and generally left me feeling inspired and capable. I just feel like I want to create and write and keep that community feeling buzzing. I'm hoping it will last me through the weekend. It's amazing the emotional places I've been in and out of this week.

Matt Brown is Better Than You

I need a better pen.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Happy International Women's Day Babies!

Besides the "goodbye boys" part:

Tomorrow morning I've got the IWD breakfast happening and I'm pretty determined to avoid the post-partum troubles that usually hit me after a big event. There's going to be tons of free food and some sweet prizes to be won, so if you're in the Guelph area come on in! I'm going to take a deep breath and repeat the mantra "delegate-delegate-delegate". I'm planting myself firmly at the loonie table to watch the proceedings and hopefully rake in some sweet cash.

I'm planning to get up at 6am to make pancakes, and then I'm going to walk away from the cooking. That's the only part that I feel chaotic about... the food making part. Oh lord it's a little scary making stuff happen... and the oh-so-feministy train of thought there was "oh man I hope I'm not a stressed out bride. I don't want to be a stressed out bride!". It's bed time!

(I'm feeling better than on monday for those of you fearing for my life... or alternately the three people that read my blog)

Monday, March 05, 2007

everytime i blink, i have a tiny dream

I feel like I've completely forgotten how to do this. I don't know why this is so difficult. There's just a million tiny pieces floating around right now and no matter how many lists I make they seem to all stay in my head. I have a presentation tomorrow I am feeling entirely incapable of doing and I'm sitting here staring and wondering what would happen if I took my week long sample pack of anti-depressants in one go. I imagine I wouldn't die, that's not the plan, I just wonder where it would fall on that fine line between euphoric bliss and poison control. Or nothing would happen and I'd just feel like I do right now only more full.

It's a strange feeling when you realize you've almost run out of rescue remedy.

Sex with Bex #6

The Power of Sex Compels You! The Power of Sex Compels You!

If you’re venturing into the world of power play make sure you and your partner are feeling safe and consensual about the whole thing. Start small, maybe a little spanking and some dirty talk to get you going and then do some research together to figure out where you’re going to go from there. The most important part of power play is trust, so make sure that you and your partner have a safety word so that you both have an out at anytime. I personally appreciate words like “wristwatch” or “Menudo”, but come up with your own. It’s the best part! Well, maybe the sex-play should be the best part, but safety words are fun too. If you have any questions make sure you send them my way!

Lube up and stay safe!


Hi. I'm just writing in response to the letter sent in by "Pokey Pete." He complains that his girlfriend doesn't give him head often enough because she's grossed out by his pubic hair. He is unwilling to undergo any pain to get rid of it and thinks trimming it will make sex painful for her. Bex responded that their his pubes and he has a right to keep them if he wants. She will just have to get over it.
This will come as a shock to Bex, Pete, and many others out there, but his girlfriend also has a right to refuse to give him oral sex. I'm really sick of the double standard out there. Let me ask you this Pete, how often do you give your girlfriend oral sex? IF EVER? and would you be comfortable with girls who aren't well-groomed down there? It is a basic standard that women keep themselves shaved, waxed, trimmed, or whatever method you may use. It's also assumed that because you have a penis you have a right to getting oral
sex. But for all the blowjobs girls are expected to give, they rarely get anything in return. I realize the feeling of being in power and having girls be completely subservient is appealing, but maybe it's time to stop pretending that porn is a user's manual to life. Thanks,

sick of it all

Hi Sick of it All,

I have to admit that in my feminist bubble I forget that the fact that Pete's partner doesn't HAVE to give him head isn't a given for everyone, so I apologize that I didn't make that explicit enough. When I was writing that response I thought about whether or not Pete gives his girlfriend oral sex, but since I'm not really in a place where I can ask for background information I didn't bring it up, perhaps I should have. I chose instead to focus on the fact that a person shouldn't have to change their body in order for their partners to find them desirable. My intention was to use Pete's example to counter the idea that people of all genders can only receive oral sex if hair removal is involved. I never intended to suggest that his partner should just “get over it” but rather to give Pete and his partner ways to overcome this obstacle under the assumption that this oral sex was desired by both parties. In retrospect I should have addressed the fact that women are expected to do all kinds of hair removal to conform to pornographic ideals of the sexual female body and asked Pete to think about the fact that maybe his partner just didn't want to give him oral sex, but was afraid to give any other reason. However, in the interest of “double standards” I just can’t help but feel like if I had given that advice to a woman writing in, I would have been praised.


Dear Bex,

Okay, so this is sort of a funny story, not really a question, but my friend didn't know till this summer whether he was circumcised or not (I don't know how that's possible!) So my friends and I talk about this a lot kind of, the difference between circumcised and not, so what are the advantages/disadvantages to being circumcised?!?!


Dear Turtlenecker,

I think because the penis is so “out there” in society it’s taken for granted that males know exactly what’s going on, but I’ve actually heard a lot of stories about people being unsure about whether or not they were circumcised as a baby and are too afraid or ashamed to ask their parents. Until a fateful night of internet searching in first year, most of my close friends had no idea what kind of a difference a foreskin can make.
The argument for circumcision presents the idea that circumcision does not affect sexual function and usually emphasizes health benefits. Easier hygiene, decreased risk of urinary tract infections in babies, prevention of penile problems (occasionally the foreskin can narrow so that it’s difficult or impossible to retract), decreased risk of penile cancer, and decreased risk of sexually transmitted diseases (though this is very slight). ( Circumcision is also wrapped up in religious practices which is another reason why it is a common practice.
The argument against circumcision has been taken up with the position that it is genital mutilation. Keeping the foreskin intact maintains the gliding action of the foreskin over the penis. This gliding allows the penis to maintain it’s own natural lubricant around the glans (head of the penis), which makes masturbation pleasurable without the use (and expense) of manufactured lubes. It also increases penis length and circumference because of the double-layered wrapping. (
It’s important to be happy with what you’ve got and to examine the issues of circumcision based on the facts, since society tends to privilege the circumcised penis as more visually pleasing. If you want to see some images of circumcised and non-circumcised penises to get a better sense of the difference in appearance check out, which also has more information on circumcision. Remember that genitals are wacky and come in many shapes and sizes. It all starts with appreciating your own.


Hey Bex,

How contagious is herpes from mouth to genitals? I've heard that someone
who gets cold sores can pass it to a partner even if they don't have a sore
on their lip. Is this true?

Blistex Baby

Hi BB,

YES! A thousand times yes! Genital herpes and coldsores are caused by the STI herpes simplex. Herpes is extremely common and everyone can get it. It shows up as sores on the skin that scab over and don’t leave scars. These sores can appear on the mouth, genitals, anus, and inside the vagina. Herpes is passed through direct skin-to-skin contact with an infected person. Herpes are extremely contagious when there are open sores present and can be passed from mouth to mouth by kissing, or to the genitals of a partner during oral sex. The tricky part is that the Herpes virus CAN be shed from the skin even when the skin looks normal. It seems that this is less likely, but if you have herpes it is possible to infect someone even if no sores seem to be present, so it’s really important to let your partners know so that they can keep an eye out for herpes symptoms. Also make sure that you use condoms and dental dams to protect yourself and your partner from passing on herpes simplex. There is no cure for herpes but there are different treatments available, so if you’re finding that you’re struggling with outbreaks you should definitely speak to a doctor or homeopath (etc.) to make a plan. (


Fetish Matching Game!
1. Analclitism
2. Homeovestism
3. Hybristophilia
4. Statuephilia
5. Katoptronophilia
6. Dacryphilia

a. Arousal from wearing clothing that is socially appropriate to ones own gender.
b. Arousal from dolls or statues.
c. Sexual arousal from people who have committed crimes.
d. Pleasure derived from tears or emotional situations (your own, or of others)
e. Sexual arousal from performing sex acts in front of a mirror.
f. Deriving adult sexual pleasure from objects that one was exposed to as an infant.

(Answer Key in the Comment section)

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Xeriscape. I don't have any titles that start with X.

In a few minutes another group of three is going to arrive to see my house. I get all jittery like 20 minutes before and I don't know what to do with myself. I've been through all of my notes in the last hour to prepare for my Women in China midterm tomorrow. I don't feel prepared yet, so I suppose after these people leave I'll make a quick snack and then go back to studying. I don't know why I have such a block up about this midterm. I just have to strap my eye patch on and get it over with, then I'll feel much better.

This week is International Women's Day so I have a lot of stuff to do for the Centre in terms of preperation and organizing. I've tried to advertise as much as I can, but it's rough. I feel like the process of my work is all in my mind which is counter to my whole plan of leaving this position with a clear guide for the next person to pick up and to really know what they need to be doing and how to do it. I feel like I'm working backwards in terms of my organizational skills, but I guess I just have to accept that that's how it has to be. It's all very exciting. Right now my goal is to bring in more money for the Centre than I spend on events, then I'll feel okay.

I'm up and down from full-on anxiety and feelings of accomplishment, which is very strange. I'm feeling very disconnected right now. Last night I had an impromptu sleep-over with a new friend, which was really great. We're anxiety twins, so it's kind of interesting to step back and listen to us supporting one another while at the same time knowing that we're not listening to ourselves saying words that we need to hear. I'm not sure if we're listening to each other. I think it's just comforting to find someone who is in the same world and speaking the same language of stress, pressures and emotional capacity. We also watched SNL and videos on YouTube, so it wasn't all serious.

I'm feeling kind of numb today. I think it's a combination the onslaught of disturbing dreams lately, the fact that I feel really behind in school, being a cyclops, and missing Steve's move and setting up his whole new world. I'm just out here in the snowy goo-loph and my body hurts and my mind is tired and I'd rather spend today sleeping.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Dress Like Your SP Character... Really late.

Matt made my character so I did my best with what I've got. I'm a sad pirate.

Jump On It!

Man, I hate when shit seems to be coming together and then one little thing happens that makes me feel like I've been punched in the stomach. Damn.

Tonight was good. I did some reading that seemed scary, but wasn't and some reading that seemed very lesbian, and was. Then Nomi and I went across the street and bought a pile of chips and chocolate and rented Stick It. Oh yeah. That is one hell of a film. There are sasscats, shiny leotards, adorable teenaged boys, and girls FLYING THROUGH THE FUCKING AIR! Totally what we needed. There was much screeching and dancing and I really want to watch that movie again tomorrow before we have to return it. Sweet.

I'm going to try to maintain the good feeling now that everything that seemed sorted out with my house has completely fallen apart. Fuck. I was less than twelve hours away from not having to deal with it anymore. Now I just have to breathe and convince myself it's not because the thought of living with me is horribly repulsive. Fuck.

Friday, March 02, 2007


Whimsy Lavendar Ghostpoo. A sweet new addition to the Box.

Thursday, March 01, 2007

Now take out your aprons class!

Yesterday Tama and Nomi were looking at OISE's teacher's college website for what teacheables qualify you to teach which courses. You'll never believe what Women's Studies is a teacheable for... Family Studies, which consists of Food and Nutrition, and Home Ec. I can't decide if it's hilarious or incredibly insulting that four years of studying feminist theory and the status and oppression of women throughout history qualifies me to teach highschool kids how to make a pair of boxer shorts. I think those classes are incredibly important in high schools and I totally regret not getting to take them because of my wacky French classes, but it makes no sense that when I finish my undergrad that I should be able to teach these classes. I have no idea how to make a pair of boxer shorts!

I feel like they don't know what their unleashing on the "Family Studies" curriculum if they're recruiting Women's Studies students to teach. There's going to be a lot of homemade sex toys coming out of that class when I get in there.


I had a pretty decent snow day today. I'm writing my midterm on Monday now, which is so very helpful. So today I woke up groggy and sore from my night of nightmares and made my way to school in the snow to watch "After Stonewall" which was so incredibly good. It made me want to dance naked in the woods. At the end of that class it was declared a snow day so I waited for a bus with every other student at Guelph, and made my way home with Gomi.

We had ourselves a faux Thanksgiving tonight. Tama prepared the Tofurkey and I made mashed potatoes, steamed veggies, and summer squash. The only things missing were cranberries and creamed corn. That would have been so good! Either way it was the right thing to be doing on a snowy night like tonight. Then we went out for popsicles accross the street... which is not the right thing to do on a snowy night like tonight, but was satisfying nonetheless.

I'm half looking forward to a weekend of reading and getting things done, and half scared. My dreams last night really set me off balance. Well more off balance than a girl with an eyepatch usually is. I'm actually enjoying my readings for my 18th-19th century sexuality course right now. There's some sexy stuff in there! I'm reading Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure by John Cleland and it's filthy! It's so interesting reading these texts and realizing that there's nothing new in sex. We think it's all so novel, but it's not. It's like an academic romance novel! I got all flustered trying to read it on the bus today. It's nice to take some pleasure in my reading.

Post Number 600

I just had a full on body tingling cold sweats feel like you're going to die nightmare that woke me up and scared me shitless after 53 minutes of sleeping. Fifty Three! Is that supposed to happen? Should I be so deep so fast? Now I don't want to go back to sleep, but I don't really have any options. It's not like when you get woken up at 5:30am and you can just stay awake for your day. Bah.

I'm very freaked out and very lonely right now.