No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

A Dose of Dykes Before the Mennos Take Hold

Well I've just finished the cry-fest that is saying goodbye to Steve. That's the hardest part of this whole working at camp business. We woke up together this morning and stayed in bed until noon before we went our seperate ways.

I went to the dyke march where I met up with Tama, Nomi, Erin, Julie, and Helen. Yes my Shmel came to see me! That was very exciting. The march was short and sweet. I saw many a pride-filled boob, and I rainbowed up a little myself. I'm sad that I'm missing the parade tomorrow, that's always fun.

So I'm heading off to camp tomorrow where I will work ridiculously hard for a small amount of money. Some of my favourite people are up at camp though, including one miss Macleod, so I'm hoping the adjustment will be smoother this summer. My current philosophy is that I will be a no-nonsense kind of gal, and I will stand up for myself when the Jesus gets too forcible. I fully intend to pick up a bible and quote Nickie by saying "How do you work this thing?". We'll see where the blasphemy takes me.

I will have internet access up at menno camp, but I will often have to line up for it and will have people waiting in line behind me, so blogging will be sparse. I'll do my best though. I'll be back on my birthday though, July 28th, so I will tell the tales of tiny children and crafter's rage. Some of you should expect phone calls when i'm in need of a dose of Keramidas.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Snug Packer

Yesterday was the day of MRIs. I almost got away without any radioactive goo injections, but no such luck. I spent an hour and a half in the tube. It was okay. Floyd should write a song with the MRI sounds as the back beat. It was tripped out. I was kind of in a final relaxation state as I was yoga breathing to calm myself down. I had that feeling where you're concious of the sounds around you but you drift into dreams. I know I fell asleep at least once because I jolted awake and got all paranoid that it was going to ruin the picture. Bah.

So I won't know the results until August third, but I'm slightly concerned because with fifteen minutes left a doctor brought me out of the tube and asked me a bunch of questions about my symptoms followed by the injection so yeah, we'll see.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Hyperbolic Rhetoric

Last night I had and excellent dinner out at the Price residence. I love a good dinner party. And I had all the fun on making crumble prior-to, so what's not to like! I made tons of buttons for all, and decided that I desperately need a button maker. Hopefully at the next show I'll sell some buttons and I can save the money.

Speaking of money I just found out today that I didn't get the scholarship I applied for. It was probably the nicest rejection letter I've ever received, but still disappointing. This puts a whole new spin on how to go to India because I'm not going to have the money after my 202$ a week job for the next five weeks. Oh well. I'm sure I'll figure something out.

So back to last night, Steve and I went to the photo booth at Yonge and Bloor which was fun. I like to go before camp so that I can tape a strip into my journal and have it with me. I love those damn booths! He's on an overnight "business trip" in Sarnia tonight and I had to fight not to cry when I left him. I'm a big lovey nerd. I'm definitely in for a rough week ahead.

When I got to Y&E there was a girl who must have been sixteen throwing up into a garbage can, so I went upstairs and bought her a bottle of water and wrote down directions to her destination and waited with her for the train. Hopefully she got home okay. It was just bizarre that she was all alone. I think the Oprah that I watched yesterday about what to do when you get raped made me extra paranoid. But yes, I did what I could. The past two days have been themed with helping folk on the subway. I had a long conversation in French and English with a young guy from Moncton today as I directed him to little Italy. It's all very exciting.

Today was all filled with the fun of trying on pants with sexy mark brown. We exclaimed often and exhuberantly "Don't you hate pants!" I haven't done enough packing yet, which is sad.

Tomorrow is shot because I get up and leave for my MRIs in Kitchener. It turns out that my dad double booked himself, so he's now leaving me at the hospital to do this all alone and then I have to take the bus home. I don't know. I'll be okay, tests just shake me up a little bit. And hospitals are not my favourite place. I'm also wondering if diva cups can go through an MRI maching. That would be wild if it like melted the silicon into my vagina and then I get super powers or something... you know that mutation, super thing that happens? Maybe I could be called Cunt Princess, TTC Rescue Pussy and I could expel sharp diva nubbins from my yoni. Too much?

P.S. If Macleod is reading this... Mark is gonna be in the box this weekend, so don't get scared if you walk in on his naked ass!

Sunday, June 19, 2005

Where's the Beef? It's on my Nature Burger!!!!!!!!

Despite the anxiety on Thursday, this weekend has been mightily satisfying thus far! I made 200$ at my craft show (which turned out to be like six tables of crafts... half were jewlery), but my display worked out really nicely and I am making business plans for the Guelph market and various other possible selling locations. I want to get a button maker so badly! I know that I can sell them in Guelph. The only button I sold at this show was one of my baby chihua. I thought that was hilarious.

Yesterday was eventful. I got up at nine and went to the gym followed by a quick shower and a table read. I was so sleepy and so nervous when I got there. Holy intimidation Batman. Yeah... that's some Batman. I actually got to say "Batman." Thrilling. I haven't sat at a table reading lines since Jitters, and this time I wasn't a man, so that was some good. I forgot how natural it feels and how much I love it. I got to get me more script!

I think I need to look for some monologues over the summer while I have some time because I always end up freaking out and deciding that I have too much school work to do, so I just give up and then I never get cast... obviously. Anyway, maybe next year is the year that a-la Avenue Q I make the school play, change my major and fuck my T.A. Well maybe not that last one.

Life is good with my Phantom. We snuggled our way through last night's burlesque, all the way to the subway ride home today. The show was fun last night. During Mark's final act I yelled out "You're Ridiculously Adorable" and the folks sitting around us looked at me disgustedly. Fun. I'm always so proud of him! Anyway, I'm feeling good and hoping the goodness carries through the rest of the week.

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Bead and Button Master Bex

I'm in mass-production mode right now. I'm realizing that three different kinds of jewelry, magic wands, and buttons may not all fit harmoniously on a four foot table. I don't know how they feel about buying two tables, I guess I'll find out when I get there. Spreading out would be nice.

I love buttons. I'm so excited. If anyone needs a custom made button, leave your orders here! I'm trying to convince my parents to buy me a button maker for my birthday, because frankly I can't afford one right now, but maybe one day. I'm having trouble keeping my buttons craft show appropriate. I'm far too innapropriate. I'm trying to stick to my sort of magic/faery/wizard/dragon type theme. I'm going to crank out a few Pride-y buttons too just to keep with the times.

It's been really nice to be creating all this stuff. I hope the show goes well. If not I suppose I have a bunch of stuff made for Christmas time. I'm working all day on merchandise and display, and then hopefully going to yoga tonight. Mmmmm Jo-Lo.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

That's a Nice Duck

I've officially lost Steve in Vice City. If the game had come out two weeks later it would have been perfect because he could have gotten lost at the same time as I'll be getting lost up north, but no. It's kind of funny. Our conversations are now soundtracked with screeching car wheels and the sweet sounds of hookers getting killed. Hopefully I'll be able to tear him away from it at some point this week, but for now I'm just practicing how to talk like a radio ad in the game to advertise Bex's Sweet House of Doin' It so I can lure him away from the strip clubs.

Today is such an intensely summer holiday kind of day I can't believe it. I slept in until one, and then watched Law and Order, now I'm contemplating getting dressed. I think I'm going to read on my deck for awhile and then go to the gym. I have places to be tonight, which makes it even more summer holiday-esque, as though I slept in just to make sure I'd be awake tonight. Hilarious.

I'm trying to enjoy this week because I'm becoming SEVERELY anxious about this coming weekend. Yowzas I definitely signed up for more than I should have, and now I'm going to have to miss out on a family weekend at the cottage. This is a bad thing. Oh the stress.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Splashing Toes

My favourite thing about thunderstorms in the city is the feeling of warm pavement under barefeet as the water puddles. The heavy raindrops make maple keys dance in and out from between toes.

The balance of warm pavement and cold rain swept me up today. I giggled audibly as thunder cracked and raindrops soaked my hair, my clothes, making them respectively clingy. I haven't danced in the rain for a year. I used to run outside in my backyard when the rain was at its most intense and I'd lie flat on my back and let it consume me. I danced and twirled and laughed, all alone with the rumblings and the flashing and the wetness all tied up in my body.

I sat on our new porch swing and dripped while watching lightning split through the gray. The smell of warm wet cedar, and the mist of the rain made me feel like home. Swaying in the storm I snuggled up enjoying my temporary relief and return to my body.

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I need an ADULT!

I'm feeling discouraged right now. I've been sending out e-mails and phone calls in order to connect with long-lost friends and I've been getting very little back. It's sad. I'm hoping that I'll be able to make some plans in my upcoming two weeks off, but I suppose I'll be just as happy reading in the backyard with the Chi.

Today was far more tolerable in terms of studio heat thanks to a fan that someone dropped off for us. Blowy goodness. We also had more visitors than usual which was nice.

And there were no insane animal attackers. Yesterday Tama and I were standing outside of the The Friendly Thai restaurant checking out the prices. I looked up and on the ledge under the awning sat the most satanic pidgeon I have ever encountered. He looked into my eyes, a look that pierced my very soul, and as I was in the midst of telling Tama how creepy he was he dove straight for my head. He just barely missed the top. The whole seen was a mess of feathers and Tama and I flailing and huddling together while screaming and giggling. Quite the entertainment for the patrons of the restaurant and the good folks walking on Queen. His beady little eyes were so haunting!

I feel like my life has been uninteresting lately. I mean it's highly sexually charged and all, but sometimes that's not so appropriate. Who knows. I feel like my cup of blog juice needs some re-fillin'. I'm feelin' all awkward in the blogverse.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Threesome anyone?

There was nothing but explicit conversation in the bead room today. So filthy. Oh well, at least it passes the time. Though it's hard to feel sexy when covered with a fine smog grime that comes from working downtown. Blah.

This weekend was excellent. Steve and I spent the entire time lying around relaxing together. I like those kind of weekends. I'm on my last week of work right now, which is fine by me. I need some time to get my shit together before I leave for my menno-camp duties. Plus that craft show... I'm trying to get some wands made in hopes that they'll sell for the HP book release. I think they're exciting anyway.

Thursday, June 02, 2005

More Beading...

These are some pictures of the making of the beads. I was impressed.

These are some pictures of the current status of the project.

Everyone Nude UP!

Despite the sickness I've had a fairly sexually charged couple of days. I think the trip to CAYA had something to do with it. Nothing like being all riled up with a rib shaking cough and a sinus head ache that makes it hard to lift a finger. I keep getting the sick Monica "don't you wanna get with this?" stuck in my head. Ah well. I'm determined to be better by tomorrow.

I didn't end up making any actual purchases at CAYA, though I desperately wanted the pink fridge magnet that simply said "anus". God that made me happy. I'm thinking the water proof vibe might be the next purchase, though the anal beads are severly tempting. Oh I've cum a long way baby.

The Boxy Brown visit to CAYA was a relatively short one, but hopefully it will re-occur soon. Or at least once more before the end of the summer. I've got to start putting aside money for all this kind of stuff because it's so very pricey. Ah well.

I'm looking forward to this weekend. I'm trying to take some time to get prepped for a craft show I just found out I'm going to do in the next two weeks. It's funny that my theme of the summer seems to be beads. I'm exploring new stuff though and trying to use more stones in my work. One of the Spiral Garden staff who just came back from a trip around the world brought me some jade from Afghanistan and some silver beads from Thailand. I'm really excited!