In case you were wondering...
Here's what it looks like when box girls kiss and it gets published in the school newspaper:

That's Nomi and Jack in the front and Tama and I in the back right. Woot.
No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.
Here's what it looks like when box girls kiss and it gets published in the school newspaper:
I'm so very stuffy! My brother's ill-habits that involve coughing on the keyboard have resulted in my being freakin' sick. I also hurt my shoulders at the gym yesterday. I can't raise my arms beyond a certain height. Hilarious. So now I'm just sneezy and chilled and watching the Simpsons. The plan is to make tea whenever I can pump myself up enough to leave the couch. I'm doing fairly well in terms of school work though, so that's a plus.
I have professed my love for Andy Samberg before, but it has reached a new height. I love this man. Not only that, but I love all of the lonely island guys. I seriously need more Jews in my life right now. That's the answer, I just want to hang out with hilariously funny heebs. I love them. Last night Jess and I watched Awesome Town twice and actually had to stop because our love for them hurts so much that we just didn't have the energy to love anymore.
Apparently there are these programs in elementary schools where groups of grade six boys go for empathy training by playing with tiny babies. I'd never heard of these groups before this week, but they do them at my mom's school and they've been happening for awhile. I also found out this week that I was a baby in one of these boys for baby groups. Yes somewhere out there there are a group of 32 year old men who played with me, bathed me, and kept journals about my doings. Wild. I think it would be awesome to do a documentary this summer where I track down the school list from Maurice Cody in 1985 and see who I can track down. Maybe they have babies, maybe the empathy training worked for them, maybe they still have their journals. Maybe that's a selfish project, but I think it could work. Oh boys for babies! Maybe that's why I tend to enjoy hanging out with boys, and older boys at that!
Back in the Goo things got off to a hilarious start this morning involving pipes and plumbers, phone calls, and a wrong number to Edith who was expecting a call. (Awwww!!!) I missed two buses and had to solicit a TJ ride to school which was so helpful, though I hate doing that! I pretty much have accomplished everything I had to do today though. I kept my appointments and even went to the gym. The GYM! Oh yeah.
Back at the Box. We're having a discussion/demonstration of the spastic bubble walk used to expel air from the vagina. Yeah that's what we do.
My hair has changed twice today which is all fairly exciting. We'll how it all comes together. I just wanted something different. I'm highly unsatisfied with my body, so maybe I can be satisfied in some other way? Soon chocolate will satisfy me. I'm looking forward to that. So yeah, I wrote my essay analyzing Matt Brown (I don't know if I did it right) I'll have to do some editing and some printing, but that's it. I'm going to get myself together enough tonight that I don't have to have a panic fest tomorrow morning while I get all my shit together to head to T-dot. Breathing is fun. Right now I have a mad craving for faux hot chocolate but we have no rice milk. Yeah. Anyway, I'm a big distractotron at the moment. I'll be home soon and we'll certainly see how that turns out.
Today is the first snow day for the UofG in 13 years. Fancy and relaxing. So I went and got my hair cut. It's not as drastic as I needed it to be. And when I asked for it to be changed the hair dresser refused. Why do I have to be made to feel like I'm invisible and worthless? It's your damn job to cut my hair. He said I could go back if I didn't like it, but yet refused to change it when I asked him to. I'm really disappointed and upset. I feel angry and bland and boring.
The night I had that scary terrible nightmare I woke up feeling like I couldn't breath and was being choked by my necklace that I had forgotten to take off. It was an onyx necklace that I made for a craft show in the fall. I really love the piece of stone and it has a really pretty look to it so I want to keep it, but I just looked up onyx and it has a number of healing properties, but also: "The stone is also reputed to have bad mental consequences that can include depression and nightmares". Well I wore it yesterday and felt like shit, the day I went to see my dad's show and then spun into a hellish depression I was wearing it, and I was wearing it when I had my nightmare. Maybe onyx and I aren't meant to be.
"The only true currency in this world is what you share with someone else when you're uncool."
Today has been a day of severe ups and downs. I woke up this morning feeling entirely disfunctional. I really didn't want to start my day. But I went to my stress management workshop and relaxed a little, and then I headed to the Guelph Queer Equality kiss-in. Tama and I both had partner permission to participate in the kiss in. Steve and I have a particular technique we named "Tama kissing" and it's true, she does Tama Kiss. But yeah it was really fun and adrenaline-y to stand up and be controversial. If we get put in the newspaper this week I'll scan and post it. After that I was all riled up and felt like I wanted to either make out or throw something. I didn't do either. I just deteriorated into a pending panic attack. For about two hours I had an over zealous heart rate and severe trouble breathing. I ended up going to class feeling bad and dizzy. I left during discussion time to get a drink and had to keep myself from bursting into tears as I walked down the hallway.
Let me tell you, Sandhu is definitely fucking all of those skater boys. Especially Buttle. Buttle you nailed that routine like Sandhu nailed you last night.
Well, I made it through today. I just ate some hummus with the other Cleansettes and it was the most satisfying thing of our lives. Mmmmm. Hopefully my body doesn't explode or implode... hopefully it will just plode. Yes?
I'm feeling shockingly nauseous from coming off the fast. I woke up this morning and questioned whether or not I could make it downstairs without vommiting. I've been feeling tired, achy, weak, nauseous and chilled so I'm kind of scared this is just a poorly timed flu. Who knows.
We had a pretty thrilling moment just now with the Flying Tomato winning the gold. Jess has developed a mad crush on him which has made the world more exciting. Jess and I have this new thing where we're going to e-mail the celebrities that we are in love with (namely Andy Samberg, Demetri Martin, Shaun White, Jimmy Fallon) and tell them that if they come to our house they are 100% guarenteed that we will double team them. How could they possibly refuse?
I'm pretty dizzy and achy at the moment but I'm not entirely discouraged. I just had a cup of warmed up vegetable juice that I seasoned to pretend it was soup. Mmmmm. I think I'm going for the two day fast because it would just be irresponsible to go into my exam tomorrow without eating. I have to go do some tidying because I can't find my notebook from last semester. The worst part is that all of my other notebooks are together in one place so I must have put this one "somewhere special" so that I could find it when I needed it. I hate when I do that.
Not sleeping, not eating... I guess I'll google my name in its various incarnations.
Well today was the first day of fasting and it was eventful. I had my Menno camp interview this morning and I'm really satisfied with how it went. I feel like I said everything I needed to about how bad last summer was and I feel like they were really understanding. I told them about my physical troubles and anxiety troubles and they were really supportive. The whole thing was really nice and happy and relaxed. Then I moved on to the WRC and played the Anti-Oppression game. There's nothing like examining privilege on a Saturday afternoon.
Eating an entire bunch of asparagus for dinner last night did NOT make my pee smell funny or turn green. Banish that myth and revel in all of the glory of asparagi! Never again must you fear peeing in public after munching on these stemmy greens!
I'm having a kind of "what the hell happened" evening. Last night Steve came to visit and we ended up spending the night with his nephew Matt. He came over here and they got pizza (I ate cherry tomatos) and we watched Jim Carrey movies. It was all totally impromptue, which was good, but has also left me spinning since it's going to be a week until I see Steve again, and even then he'll be all wrapped up in moving and then going to Niagara to work for a few days. I'm just feeling lonely I suppose.
Week five: Nothing but raw food followed by fasting. This makes me throw yams. Thirteen more days.
It was 8pm and I was in the main bedroom of my Zaida's house when the first note appeared. I was preparing for my presentation and when I glanced down at my textbook from my laptop there was a threatening note scrawled across the front of it in gold pen in graffiti style font. It told me I was going to be killed. It told me to be in that bed by 11:20pm. I was shockingly calm considering I was alone in the house, but I decided to call Steve to come over. While we were on the phone he suggested that to keep myself occupied I should listen to the audio of this movie that he had sent me. I plugged my headphones into my laptop and carried it around while I listened and prepared to leave. I was really aware of how strange it was to listen to the background music and sound effects without the visual cues for interpretation.
I have two songs that I currently want to keep playing on a loop. After all the troubles of the passed few days I almost skipped from the bus to these two songs that are making me happy. Here's my most memorable chunks of the day:
We are now in week five of six of our wacky cleanse. For the next two days we can only have raw or lightly steamed veggies and fruit. Fancy. It really is like an eating disorder with rules. The last time I felt like this was grade ten. Oh hunger.
My dad is in Guelph doing his show "Tales From an Empty Fridge" so I spent my morning in a theatre with 300 grade twos. It was one of those experience that rocked me a bit. I was just compelled to hug every single one of them. I just got all wrapped up in the fact that there are all these small people who are seven years old and functioning during the day entirely independent of their families. They are experiencing whatever stress is happening at home, and then they are going to school where sometimes they fall down and get hurt, sometimes they get teased for what they look like, and sometimes they get crushes and don't know what to do besides draw hearts and pull hair. I start crying at everything these days.
I am so fucking frustrated right now! I need to call today in order to get an appoint during spring break for a craniosacral massage treatment with the same woman I saw just after New Years. This is ridiculously important to me. However, I am an idiot and have lost her business card. I know her name, and I know her address, but I can't get her damn number because she's not listed. I've spent an hour searching phone number databases and massage therapist listings for Toronto and I can't find her! You'd think that if this is her business she'd have something, but no. So I don't know what to do now. I cleaned the hell out of my room searching for this card and it's gone. God I'm dumb.
Well, it's nearly two. I've been panicking. And now I'm drinking tea and thinking about getting some work done. I don't want to sleep. I don't really want to sleep ever again at this point. I just want to move in a state of dazed wakefulness for the rest of the week until someone can bring me down and help me to protect myself from the nightmares. I'm sick of this bulljive. I'm staring at this book I'm supposed to be analyzing and I just don't know what to do with it. This is bad. I have people I have to answer to tomorrow! Not. Good.
Last year I started up this blog because I was really uncomfortable with my family reading it, namely my aunt. Now here's the thing, I understand that this is a public forum that anyone could be reading, but in my head I always just feel like it's my roommate, my boyfriend, and Matt and his friends reading it. I don't censor myself in front of those people. But the secrecy can only last so long. So I don't know what to do with myself. On one hand I feel like when I'm writing from the Box I am myself in all of my innapropriateness and despression and I feel like that's me and I don't want to lose it. By all logic my family should know me and accept me. I'm really disturbed by family dynamics and how much secrecy exists. There seem to be so many things that are known on such a surface level. This is not the level I blog on. So now I don't know. I want to feel comfortable with this. I want to live in a state where everytime I blog about pot, sex toys, anuses, nudity or queerness I won't have to feel horribly unsettled about my family's capacity to deal with such things. I'm tired of feeling judged. I'm tired of feeling exposed. Maybe I should just start a newsletter.
Something screwed up with el blogger, and my post "cool aunt bex" got deleted. Which is sad, because I really have little to no recollection of what it was about. I believe it involved the camp concert at the bullring and meeting up with my faux-nephews. Oh yeah, and how I felt incredibly mom-ish and was worried that I would carried away this weekend. Anyway, I did okay. I was slightly compelled to care for my friends, but I tried to keep it at bay. My faux-nephews ended up blowing me off for dinner again, which kind of sucks. I've been trying to get them to the box since september and it hasn't happened yet. Oldest faux nephew is having a rough time so I can be sort of understanding, but I just wanted to feed him so he'd feel better! Oh wow I'm such a Jew.
I'm feeling shockingly alert considering the night I had last night. Our friends Tom and Sam bussed in for a night of nachos, guac, pot, apple berry crumble, hilarious jokes and tripped out movies. I think I needed a night of mindlessness. I was a little momma-esque, but after I made everyone dinner and baked them a dessert I settled it down. We ended up staying up until 5am making jokes about selling ghosts on e-bay and musing about title tracks on our future albums. 7:05pm-5am and I don't remember much. It was really nice. My bed was fairly lonely, but that's okay.
I was promised hugging. There has been none. This was my first week of doing my stress management group and my bereavement group. I'm thinking of adding a cognitive behavioural group at the moment. I'm cultivating a tyler durden-esque existence for myself. There's crying, but definitely no hugging yet. I think I need me some bob and some bitchtits. I find comfort in tits.
Here's the trouble with a long distance relationships... sometimes there are really good sex related episodes of Weeds on, and sometimes your roomates make sexual jokes all night, and sometimes you end up on the trojan website playing their game "ball busters" for over half an hour, and sometimes you know that it will be seven to fourteen days until you get to see your lover. It's troublesome at best.
Jess and I weren't feeling well today. We thought it might be syphillis. So now I'm forcing Tama to waste away in front of the tv with me. I have a number of things to do before I sleep and that's never good. I pulled today off fairly nicely though. I'll do work for real this weekend I swear.