So I Start Singing Along
Apparently I bake when I'm stressed. Mmmmm fattening. Last night I made cupcakes, and tonight I'm making banana bread a-la tederick because of the craving. Today was okay. I got jerked around by the medical community a little bit more, and then sat and stared blankly for like an hour while waiting for class. All very productive.
I'm still debating whether my level of well-being is up to the task of going away this weekend. Today I couldn't get my legs to move fast enough at all. It's wierd when they do that. I had a really good conversation with my favourite prof after class today though which made me feel better. She's amazing.
So tonight I'm spending my time procrastinating through bake-y goodness and stirring up shit in the family business. I may get ex-communicated for this one. Do Jews ex-communicate? I should probably know that. Oh high holy days. They are going to be incredibly dramatic this year. Just what my numb-loving dizzy-makin' heaving body needs. Yeah.