Today I did my last presentation of University and man was it satisfying! I was in a group of three, one guy that I like, the other that I call Sperdouche (a play on his last name), because he's an idiot. The presentation was on Langston Hughes' "The Ways of White Folks" and we had an arguement with this guy yesterday because he was adamant that a story about a white man with a black house boy didn't deal with racism at all. Dumbass. He wanted us to take the word "racism" out of our thesis and gloss it over with "race relations". I was angry. He is also the kind of guy who doesn't seem to respect women (or maybe he just doesn't respect me). All through the meeting yesterday he addressed himself to the other man in our group and pretty much ignored me. The other guy noticed it too, so I know I'm not just overreacting because I don't like him.
So anyway, it came up in class today and he outed himself and said that he didn't think it dealt with racism at all and then I became relentless. The prof and the class tore him down! He actually made the claim that the white man calling his servant "boy" had nothing to do with racism and disagreed that it was an echo of slavery. It was amazing. Sperdouche! I left the presentation feeling all fluttery and satisfied, not only because of the Sperdouche SMACKDOWN, also because my part went really well. I got a lot of laughs and got my relatively silent class to engage in some good discussion. Oh yeah.
After that class I ran down to meet Jess for ShakeyRep. I got my first midterm back in that class and I got a 93%! I'm not sure that I've ever got a 90 in University. Not one worth 30% of my grade anyway. I'm spending the rest of tonight and all day tomorrow studying for my second midterm in that class. I'm certainly hoping I can keep my marks high because it would be incredibly satisfying to break my 88% record in my last semester.
Right now I'm having a midnight snack and some mint tea and I'm going to read some Twelfth Night before sleeping. Today was just the perfect combination of sunshine, warmth, laughing baby videos, social time, class discussion, and the satisfaction of feeling like I completed something well. I was freaking out about the meds last week, but I just can't get over how nice it actually is to have that sense of relief and accomplishment after completing a task and not just knowing it should be there. This hasn't happened so consistently since the fall semester of 2002.