No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Excuse me while I gush for a moment...

On Nov. 1st four years ago I was cleaning my room so that some guy could come over and watch movies with me. It was a date, but I didn't think it was going to go anywhere. In fact I was entirely certain there wouldn't be a second date. The week before I had shown Matt a note he wrote me asking me out. We were at the Second Cup accross the street from Leaside. At the end of coffee I scrunched up the note. Before I tossed it in the garbage Matt said "maybe you should hang on to that to show your grand kids some day". I made a "yeah right" face and tossed it. It would be awesome to have that note!

I swore I wasn't going to kiss him that night, except for maybe a tiny kiss goodbye before he left. Woops. I guess that was my downfall. Three weeks later we stayed up practically all weekend; we went and saw Punch Drunk Love on the Friday night and he came over after, he took me to a party on Saturday where I ended up meeting all of his friends and their families in an outdoor hot tub in the snow, and then we got up early and went to the Santa Claus Parade on Sunday. After the parade he took me for a walk on the U of T campus. He pushed me in a snowbank and I knew I loved him. Happy anniversary to us!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Best Spice Rack in Town

The best part is that I think Jess is looking at her reflection in the glass door instead of at the camera. I can't really be sure, but it wouldn't surprise me.


Push it real good.

Good for Toyota pushing their boundaries and pushing them real good by using Salt and Peppa's song "Push it" in their newest commercial. Good for Salt and Peppa getting themselves some royalties! No more Surreal Life for you!

You taste like fishbiscuit.

Jess and I have been doing some LOST season 3 downloading. We've watched episode 1 and 2 so far. It's going to seem so very wrong to watch LOST with commercials. So very wrong. We're working really hard to show some restraint, but I have to say we're not known for that at the Box.

I had myself a really satisfying lazy Sunday at the box. I was gifted with a few magical hours alone at the Box today. That rarely happens, so I made the most of it by putting on the oh so comforting Almost Famous director's cut, making breakfast while dancing to the soundtrack in my kitchen, and then writing my third Sex with Bex. I think it turned out fairly well. I got a real live question this time! From a real live stranger! It was so freakin' exciting! So I bumped that one up to the top of the list, sorry friends. Anyway, it's done, and I have enough questions to write my next one!

I also drafted my paper that's due Friday. FRIDAY! I think that's a damn record! And I figured out that I need 30 tables for my craft show next weekend. That means I've made $360.00 for the Centre! Hells yeah! That's a whole workshop, or a buttload of books, or a smattering of pregnancy tests. Woot. Tomorrow I make the confirmation calls to the vendors, make sure the tables will be brought up from the basement by someone other than me, put up a 5 foot banner, and try to get a few volunteers to help with set up. If I can do that tomorrow, that means that I don't really have to do much else before the day of. That would be incredibly.

Otherwise it's been a four pizza weekend at the Box which is just ridiculous. I'm craving me some veggies. I think I'm going to bust open a pomegranate instead, which will likely make me smile.

Sex with Bex #2

Welcome back to Sex with Bex! In this issue we’re dealing with queer questions, anal sex, dream-gasms, and pleasuring those complicated and beautiful vaginas. Keep your questions coming!


Dear Bex,

I’ve been in a straight relationship with my boyfriend for a year and a bit now and he really wants to have anal sex with me. But isn’t anal sex only for gay men? Does this mean my boyfriend might be gay?

An album cover

Dear Anal Bum Cover

I’ve obviously never questioned your boyfriend about his sexuality so I can’t give you a sure-fire response about whether or not he’s queer, but I assure you that his interest in anal sex is in no way an indication. Though anal sex is more common among gay males, many heterosexual couples engage in fun and pleasurable anal sex since everyone can enjoy the goodness of the bunch of nerve endings found in and around the anus and rectum. If you do decide to engage in anal sex there are a few precautions you should take to make it a fun and safe experience. Be sure that you use a condom as bacteria found in the rectum can cause infections and reactions in the penis. Also, the skin in the rectum is thin and fragile and can tear easily making it a prime way for sexually transmitted infections and diseases to be passed around (Human Sexuality in a World of Diversity, 2004). With your condom, be sure to use lots and lots of lube. This will make the whole experience of anal penetration much more comfortable. And of course it’s just not going to be fun if you’re not relaxed. Any tension is just going to make penetration more difficult and awkward. So be patient, stop if it hurts, and make sure that you communicate with your partner so that the experience can be a positive one for both of you. And if you get really excited about the whole thing you can go get yourself a harness and try to penetrate him!

If you find yourself concerned about your partner’s sexuality, I suggest you talk to him about it in a safe and supportive way. Preferably not while you’re being anally penetrated.

Hi Bex,

I’m a queer woman and the other night I had a dream where I propositioned a man at a bar to come with me into a bathroom stall. In the dream I got him off and I had one of the only real orgasms I’ve ever had from a dream. Should I be considering the straight life?

Queer Questionable

Dear QQ,

Oh my dear no! Enjoy the dream-gasm and be done with it. It’s likely something like our heteronormative society, or a conversation from the night before just seeped into your subconscious and affected your sexy dream world. I wouldn’t be too concerned, but you should always give yourself room to explore in this crazy mixed up world I suppose.

Dear Sex with Bex,

I’m a girl who has so far only dated boys. I have recently developed a crush on a girl and it’s my first time. (What a second year stereotype!) I’m really worried that given the opportunity I wouldn’t be able to please her. Do you have any tips?

Getting Into the Box

Dear Getting Box

CLIT! CLIT! CLIT! Well, not everyone likes clitoral stimulation, but it’s not a bad place to start. I would suggest starting with a little self-exploration. Figure out what feels good on your body and you may feel more comfortable trying it with someone else. Not to mention the benefit knowing what to tell your partner when they seem lost with your body! If you need some ideas about masturbation you can check out the book Sex for One by Betty Dodson. If you’d rather focus on pleasing others and you’re looking for more specific instruction you might be surprised to hear that workshops are offered at sex positive stores like Good For Her ( and Come As You Are ( in Toronto. Unfortunately I have yet to hear of any such workshops in Guelph, though the GQE sometimes brings someone in to talk about sex toys, which is also pretty fun. It might be worth a field trip to participate in some workshops like “Cruising for Queer Women” and “Bigger, Better, Multiples: Orgasms for Women” at Good for Her or “The Art of the Female Orgasm” at Come as You Are. Both of these stores also offer workshops on all kinds of other sexual experiences so I encourage everyone to check them out. Good luck getting into those boxes!

If you have any questions for the next edition of Sex with Bex send them freely and frequently to Remember to lube up and play safe!

Websites: Society for Human Sexuality

This site has tons of resources, information and links about sexuality. It’s presented in a sex positive, respectful and informative way. Go learn, then play!

This is an incredibly detailed, informative and humorous look at analingus. This is a great spot to start if you’re thinking of delving into the world of rimming.

Vagina Verite is geared towards people with vulvas sharing stories and experiences in order to explore and understand the world of vaginas. There is a large art and photography focus to this site including links to positive porn, which can be really interesting.


Average number of times a man will ejaculate in his lifetime: 7,200

The average speed of ejaculation: 28 miles per hour. The average speed of a city bus: 25
miles per hour.

The word "vanilla" comes from the Latin word for vagina, because of the
vanilla pod's resemblance to the female genitalia.

"Passion purpura" is the medical term for a hickey.

"I Heart Firsting!"

Last night the Box reluctantly dressed up and headed out to a Halloween Party. Actually due to illness it was just Jess, Tama, Mark and I. So instead of Roseanne, in the midst of a temper tantrum in Jess' room I came up with us all going as a spice rack. Tama and mark were salt and pepper, Jess was oregano, and I was paprika. We all wore the colour of our spices, and tinfoil on our heads as the shaky tops, and labels. Afterwards I thought it would be funny if they all dressed up and I wore a really low cut shirt and then they could be the spices and I'd be the rack.

We stayed at the party for about an hour. I offered to bring booze for Jess and I, but Jess refused (and then later complained that she didn't understand what I meant when I said "Do you want me to bring the smifnoff coolers for us to drink at the party?". So we stood around and danced a bit, and then came home. Good old anti-social Box. We were shockingly hyper when we got into the car and had some hilarious screamings about fisting.

Today I've got to do some damn work. I have to write my Sex with Bex, read an olde englishe book, plan a presentation for tomorrow (Jess and I are teaching about heroic couplets and we're going to use Green Eggs and Ham as our poem), plan a short paper, read a play, and organize my craftshow paperwork. I'd also like to clean and rearrange my room, but we'll see. I got 10 hours of sleep last night, so hopefully I'll have the energy to get a bunch of stuff done. Or I'll get stuck in front of the tv, it could really go either way.

Mouse Tales

The Box has two new additions! Two tiny lovely mice have moved into a psychedelic tripped out cage at the Box. One's named Pamplemouse, and the other is Mr. Gary Sparkles. I greatly appreciate their ears.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


A little strugglesome today. I'm trying to manoeuvre many many things... which will be good when all of my queries are answered. I just need something final. Hopefully I'll get some answers tomorrow. Answers and candy kebabs. I spent a lot of my day shaking and trying to calm my racing heart and I didn't have any caffeine! Yowza. I did get a LOT done though, which makes me feel good.

Now we're watching Gilmore Girls and grand gestures are making me teary-eyed. I also have to say that this is my favourite time of year because every simpsons episode is a treehouse of horrors. I loves my tree houses of horrorses.

The Box is in a current dilemma about what to go as for Halloween:

The cast of Saved by the Bell:

Kelly: Nomi
Zack: Jack
Jesse: Tama
AC Slater: Becca
Lisa Turtle: Jess
Screech: Mark

Except there's fights because Jess wants to be Jess Spanno, and Tama should probably be Lisa because of the relationship with Screech. But that might be offensive.

The cast of Roseanne: (I think this one is pretty hilarious)

Roseanne: Nomi
Dan: Jack
Becky: Jess
Darlene: Becca
Aunt Jackie: Mark

The cast of LOST:

Jack: Jack
Kate: Nomi
Charlie, Claire, or Locke: Jess
Hurley: Becca
Sawyer: Tama
Desomond: Mark (or alternately a boar that we eat)

Vote it up comment styles!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Sayid's Woman.

By the way world, I out-Losted Matt Brown this weekend! We were watching the Locke episode at the end of the second season and there's a really brief moment of him appraising a house for a woman, and it's Sayid's woman! Hells yeah! I'm so smart.

"let's just put it in reverse and drive back in time"

I'm sitting watching wifeswap and feeling relatively anti-social. I woke up this morning and left Steve's at 6:20am to meet Tama at 7am for the drive back to Guelph. I struggled through my classes this morning and then came home, had some lunch, and took a nap. Unfortunately my nap got out of control and I ended up sleeping from 3pm to 7pm. This does not bode well for sleeping later. Oh well.

I've just got myself a bad feeling. I think I'm just going to do some reading tonight and then try to go back to bed. I have a lot to do tomorrow. And I can't find my VISA card, which makes me incredibly nervous. I don't want the hassle of cancelling because I'm pretty sure it's around somewhere, but if I don't find it that will suck. Frusterado.

There's a little danger happening in my brain.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Post #506

I'm currently procrastinating. I have a paper due tomorrow that I have written 75 words of. I'll get to it. I had a rough morning as I woke up at 9:03 to catch the 9:09 bus. I'm schocked and proud to say that I made it and arrived with 30 seconds to spare before my MIDTERM! Dangerous territory my friends.

At the bus stop though I learned what it's like to see a cracked out person in the daylight in Guelph. Man was this woman on crack. Literally. She was slowly pacing back and forth clomping one foot at a time and holding up her pant legs. There were five of us waiting for the bus, and silently watching this woman. She moved towards this girl standing by the cement poll. When she was about seven feet away from her the cracked out woman looked up and said "could you move please?". The girl stepped out of her path and the woman again began to painstakingly clomp one foot in front of the other. Then she started talking: "I can't walk you know. I never could walk. When I was little I couldn't see either, or hear either. In fact when I was little my dad killed me. I'm dead now. I'm an angel come to take you all to heaven." Then the bus came and she raised her arms to the sky and exclaimed "Get ready for a wild ride!". She didn't get on the bus, so it was a pretty standard bus ride, but I appreciated the enthusiasm that early in the morning.

BOX LOST (based on true events)

It's night, around 12am. Jess and Becca are upstairs at the Box. Things are quiet and still. Jess enters Becca's room and notices a black tank top with a built in bra hanging from Becca's door knob...

JESS: Where did you get that tank top?

BECCA: I found it on the floor of your room. I just wanted to try it on... why... can I borrow it? (senses something is wrong)

JESS: (tense and wide-eyed) That's not mine.

BECCA: What?

JESS: It appeared in my room yesterday! I don't know how it got there.

BECCA: It's not Tama's... or Nomi's?

JESS: NO! Just listen to me! I think it's... theirs (with fear and awe).

BECCA: You mean...


(There's a rumbling and creaking from Becca's closet, the attic door opens, a ladder drops, and loud clomping steps descend. The lights go out. Jess and Becca cling together. A torch lights up to reveal a large man who looks like a scary santa.)

S. SANTA: Hello Becca, hello Jess.

BECCA: (stepping forward) Why are you here? What do you want?

S. SANTA: Let me ask you something, you wouldn't go into another man's closet and put on another man's tank top would you?

JESS: That tank top just showed up... I ... I didn't know!

S. SANTA: Let me assure you, the only reason you both tried on that tank top, is because we ALLOWED you to try on that tank top.

BECCA: (Frantic) What do you want from us!?!

S. SANTA: See this here? This is a line between you and my tank top. As long as you don't cross this line, we don't have a problem. However if you do choose to cross this line... well we'll have something different.

(The torch goes out, in a split second the lights come back on. Jess and Becca are left alone. Screen goes completely to black, white letters that say "BOX" fade in. Dramatic end credits begin).

Monday, October 16, 2006

And if you just watched that Hell Cat...

This will comfort you.

Cat from Hell!

This is the scariest thing you'll see all day.

I should just close my mouth and rethink a minute, but I can't close it now 'cuz there's something in it.

After the heart palpatations of last night I'm off the stimulants this week. I'll just have to make it on my enthusiam and not my two cups of tea a day. Because I have so much to do this week I think it's better not to fuel the anxiety with outside substances. I was up until 4:40am last night struggling for sleep and trying to exhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaale my way into slumberville. It was frustrating.

I have already accomplished a number of things today though, which is good and I intend to do some drafting before I sleep for one of my papers due on Thursday. YAY survival. Jess and I watched a little Lost during dinner. It's funny because Jess loves spoilers and I like to find out on my own, so she already knows what's going to happen, whereas I'm watching one episode at a time and then going to read Matt's corresponding blog post. Yeah I'm that girl.

Jess just decided that she was bored, so we're now watching funny cat videos on You Tube. This is our edumacation people. God I'm going to miss this.

I'm off to write me some angry letters to the mennos tonight followed by wrting my C.V, which is a new word I learned tonight.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

everytime I look down I miss everything, every time I look up, I just trip over things

As it turns out my body can not handle drinking a pot of tea and one of those double shot energy drinks. Man, that anxiety group wasn't kidding when they told me to cut out caffeine. So I'm sitting her racing, thinking about everything I have to do, but I can't focus long enough to get anything done. I'm addicted to taking shit on. I'm thinking of applying for a job. That's crazy right? It's crazy. But I have no money. And no way to get money if I don't get a job. I have to try. But I'm not focussed enough right now to actually e-mail job contacts without embarassing myself. God my heart is pounding.

Jess and I have watched nine episodes of Lost this weekend and we're going to watch another one tonight. So much Lost. Yesterday was almost too much lost. I got that same sort of feeling as that day when I watched too many episodes of the Sopranos after having watched almost three seasons while I was recovering from my wisdom teeth removal. It was just a series of really violent episodes that left me in a crying depressed heap for days. I haven't watched the Sopranos since that day. I managed to take a break from the Lost watching before I hit that point of no return because I've been right fragile this weekend. Kind of impressively fragile for a week when I don't have my period. Or perhaps more that I don't have my period as a pretend excuse for why I'm so fragile.

Friday, October 13, 2006

Hollow Cheeks... yes it's a bum joke.

I had the greatest wake-up today at 8:30am. It was cold and I was snuggling under my blankets dreading getting up, when all of a sudden I hear a trumpet blasting outside of my house. I was confused. Then a flute came it, then a saxophone, until there was a whole band playing warm-ups and little snippets of songs. It seems the kids waiting for their school bus decided to break out their band instruments in celebration of Friday the thirteenth. It just made me so very happy!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

I've got it!

Okay, the Hatch is filled with dino-native eggs. That's why it can only be opened from the inside. The dino-natives hatch (see there's even a connection to what it is and what happens inside!) and then they open it up and climb our to wreak havoc on the island. Ha! And that light turning on was the incubator kicking in. Hells yeah.


That's right, Jess just got a hallway takedown. She was trying to turn on the heat and taunting me again. So I took her down. It was hilarious.


We got home around 8pm to Jess wrapped in a sleeping bag, whiney and hungry. I heated up some chili for myself that was sent from home and Jess came in to complain about how she had nothing to eat (as chili is one of Jess' most hated foods). I skillfully gave her a "how about some cheese with that whine" which prompted much kicking and shrieking. As I put my chili in the mirowave she just kept yelling and and provoking me, so I gave her a KITCHEN TAKEDOWN! Oh yeah, I grabbed her around the middle and took that sleeping-bag-clad Macelod down! Tama witnessed the whole ordeal and proclaimed she was glad she did through her laughter. Oh it was a good one. Don't mess with Bexass.

Would you light my candle?

I've decided to embrace the snow today. It's so cold in Guelph right now that there is actually still snow on the ground. I sat in my Zoology lecture today watching the snow come down and got that jittery run to the window feeling. I walked out and all of Johnston Green was white. People just looked stunned as they walked through the flurries. Everyone was wearing varieties of clothes from t-shirts to winter coats. It was kind of fun.

I had a really frustrating anxious afternoon. But then I rode the elevator alone with a man with a gun and I thought, I don't particularly want to die today. So I'm fine.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

A Day In The Life

I was relatively productive today. I have far more to do, but at least I've done something:

-I handed in my exam forms to the csd

-I went to the gym where I listened to three MAMOs (two about TIFF and the one about Sprockets)

-had a shower (which shouldn't be an accomplishment, but in the last few weeks has been)

-burned one of our pots to shit while trying to steam brussel sprouts (it's done, and out on the porch because the charred chemical smell. what a lame reason to ruin a pot! I had to throw out the veggies too because they absorbed all the smoky badness.

-made a delicious batch of hummus for my lunch instead. It was so good.

-ate hummus while watching two episodes of Lost with Jessie. Locke's parents are bastards, and I'm pretty glad that so far Jack's wife didn't try to steal his kidneys. We only have three episodes left and then we tackle season two. I'm thinking Jess and I might end up having a season three Lost-a-thon at 3QF thanks to that mystical PVR.

-drafted my essay that's due on Friday

-read ten pages. I'll have to do more of that later.

And now I'm watching me some Box Model. There is odd screaming going on outside of the house. It sounds joyous, but I'm not sure. I'm home alone, so I think I'll investigate sneakily. I think I just heard laughing though....

[quick break while I go check]

Yup, just some local hooligans hanging out at Tito's. Excellent.

I'm no Superman

I was just watching my beloved Scrubs (I don't want to hear any shit about Scrubs. I have an emotional attachment since the May molestation event that sent me to the couch watching the first twenty three episods of Scrubs in three days), and I really think that Matt is like the Dr. Cox to my JD. Revalations!

That bastard with his doom.

Bah and Snah.

I woke up a half hour early to sit with a cup of tea on my lap. It was very necessary since the whole world is explosively gloomy right now. I'm currently trying to plan my next semester and am incredibly frustrated with the lack of professors available to work with on Independent Studies. It seemed so logical that October was early enough to plan my January. Apparently that was a stupid idea.

The Box is in full working swing right now which means stress abounds, but everything is well and good when we emerge from our respective corners to eat together and watch our favourite shows. Yay family.

If any of you have any sort of craft or skill that makes you feel like producing a lot and thus making a lot of money PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE book a table at my craft show! I'm starting to get a real "what if I throw a party and nobody comes" kind of feeling. It's terrifying.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Hanksgiving, is a special night. Jimmy Walker, used to say dynomite. That's Right!

Steve and I had ourselves an excellent and relaxing hanksgiving. We created our little box bubble and everytime we left it just felt wrong. That's one fine fella I spend all that time with. He left yesterday and my family came to the get me so that we could all go for dinner at my aunt and uncle's house. Dinner was good but I ended up feeling sick and not being able to finish my plate of food which was of very reasonable portions, I might add.

Ben came back here for a sleepover last night. I gotta go hang out with that guy or something, because we had fun, but we didn't really talk about much which was what I wanted to do. Ah well. I'll be home soon enough and we'll go out for dinner or coffee or something. This morning everyone came back to my place for bacon and eggs. I ate soooooo much bacon this weekend. Ewww.

This afternoon I've been doing lots of reading and working on my paper for tomorrow. Jess and I have also been watching the Survivor season one marathon on TV Tropolis. Oh that Hatch. It's so funny watching it now and thinking about what I was doing the first time it was on. That came out the summer before grade ten, so I was Ben's age. I'm pretty sure the first time I saw Survivor I was making out with someone and I ended up with a fat lip because he was a terrible kisser. That was a summer indeed.

Ah well, here I go into week five. Time is so silly.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

I'm Supposed to be Sleeping

Alien in my Ear Canal

Blog Con Queso

Como estad bitches to all, and to all a good night

Deep Vaginal Well of Knowledge

Exam, or Anal Beads

Fasting? I need to be slowing down!

Goobs, goobs, everywhere the goobs!

He is... how you say... a bag of douche.

I've got multiple holes and I'm not choosy

Just a wee drap that's all

K... I need to write more titles with Ks

Like Cunt and Fuckhole Dirty?


No Thang Abbey: Longing For Balls

Oh Probsty.

Puuuuuuhhhh? Diiiiiiiiiiiiiinnng?

Quick Matty Price! (the only Q!)

Revenge of the Syph...illis

Snow Dad is better than No Dad!

Trump Up the Jam

Unsatisfactorily painful


When a woman gives birth to a crack baby you don't buy her a puppy.

X... no Xs either

You'll have to excuse me, I'm a little stiff from bowling

Z... no zeds. Anti-climactic. Zanti-climactic.

my brother as a 38 year old man

My coffee is just water dressed in brown.

Boy howdy I am in a strange place right now. I've had a perpetual headache since last week and I've actually broken down to the o.c.m.s It's unpleasant, but seems to be necessary. Missing my class this morning put me into a mean funk. By far the funniest moment of the day was me on my knees in front of the lockbox on the second floor of the University Centre (where we keep the key to the WRC) trying to get the combination lock open for half an hour and then miraculously Tama walked by and rescued me as I was just about to break down and cry. I only cried a little, so you can't qualify that as a break down. Me and locks just don't get along. They wait until I'm all alone, and then they kick my ass!

Anyway, after that I was going to go to the gym because I feel disgusting in my body right now, but instead I went home and watched some rainy day LOST with Jess. Those wacky dino-natives. Now their all disgusing themselves as humans and what not. They are technologically apt though. And who would have thought that Jack's dad is CEO of the dino-natives? That LOST and it's crazy twists. I've been alone in the house for almost two hours. I laid in bed and stared at the ceiling for just over an hour. Now I'm thinking about being productive, but I'm not quite there yet. I have a big book to read, and a paper due next Tuesday, and one on Friday. I'm actually not in rough shape at all, but I just don't feel quite right. I'm currently debating whether I want to be in T-dot this weekend. I think I do. Providing someone will finance my bus ticket on this end, I could come in on Friday for a little Short Bus, snuggle on Saturday, watch a little SNL, and then be back in the Goo after Thanksgiving dinner on Sunday night.

Wherever we end up, Steve and I are planning to have a Hanksgiving, as there are many Tom Hanks movies I haven't seen, which make me feel culturally illiterate because they come up so very often. On that list are Apollo 13, Sleepless in Seattle, Saving Private Ryan, and Forest Gump. There are definitely more, I just can't think of them right now.

I think it's time to make a cup of tea and read on the couch for a bit before I start up our falafel dinner. My theme of dinners this week are "foods with edible holders". Last night we had tacos, tonight falafels, any thoughts for tomorrow?

sleepy jean

I went to bed at 12:50am last night, which is earlier than I've been to sleep in the past three weeks and I slept through my class this morning. I am unimpressed. I got up for the thunderstorm. Then slept until 10:07.

Monday, October 02, 2006

Two heads full of snot are better than one head full of snot... for procrastinating

Tama and I are having a sick day today. One of those guilt-free sick days where you go to all of your classes though, so I feel pretty good about it. We just had an excellent viewing of Strike! from the floor bed and now we're on to The Usual Suspects. Oh yeah, it's a special double feature. We chose the Usual Suspects because we figured it was like reading because it makes you think. Though, it's not exactly a feel good movie. We chose it from the possible list of Almost Famous, Way Down Town, Now and Then, of The Usual Suspects. I'm feeling variable today.

Now we're enjoying the gangsters and drinking tea. It's quite lovely. Later I imagine I'll do a little bit of reading, and a lot bit of watching Lost. That seems appropriate for a Monday such as this.

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Foggy Madness Foggy Madness

Stuffed up old school and I have to write a paper for tomorrow. I plan on imbibing vast quantities of herbal tea while I work which may or may not be helpful. It will make me pee though, which means lots of breaks from the actual writing. I'm a clever, clever lady.

This particular weekend turned out quite well. I had a slumber party with Matt involving Indian food, giggling, shadow puppets, and skipping out on yoga the next morning to go and dazedly eat eggs benny. Then I hung out with my family and helped my dad rehearse his lines for a really cheesy Camelot themed Durham College fundraiser. He was the king. Then Steve and I opted to lie around instead of hitting up Ladie's Night at the Argos game. I am so glad we did, because it provided us with enough energy to see an awesome midnight show of "Reefer Madness", the musical, and then wander around downtown taking in the surreal experience of "Nuit Blanche".

I love when Steve and I stumble into beautiful situations. We wandered in and around the U of T campus from 2:30am until about 4:15am walking through the ROM and the ceramics museum, watching the projection on the planetarium, buying some cookies from the church with the halogen lights that spelled out "hold that thought", and losing ourselves in a dense fog on Philosopher's walk. There was a really beautiful wish tree set up right before the fog where wishes were hanging off of a maple tree by silver tinsel threads. People were invited to write their wishes on to the ones that were already printed there. I just like the idea of people collectively stopping and thinking of something they'd like to change. There was also really concious and wonderful graffiti happening, which always makes me feel good.

The fog was my favourite. There was a point when Steve was the only person I could see. I appreciate those moments of sensory awareness when all of a sudden you can't see, and things seem quieter than they really are. There would be moments where you couldn't see anyone around you, and then you'd take two steps and there would be two guys smoking pot from a pipe or people trying to keep their feet out of the mud and complaining about the rain. It was just nice. I needed that foggy moment. And I needed that moment of watching Steve disappear in front of me and realizing that I just wanted him to stay and hold my hand so we could walk out of that fog together.