No human emotion can be sustained indefinitely.

Monday, October 31, 2005

She lay down in her party dress and never got up

I don't know what happened. Last year we had so many people over for what felt like all the time. I guess the streak is over. Everyone's in a shitty mood and it's ruining my puffy-dressed good time. I'm half can can girl and half pumpkin at the moment and trying to embrace some rare stress-less moments. I cleaned, baked, and pumpkin carved from 4pm to 7pm and I'm sleepy. I decorated up the livingroom and handed me out some candy to some tinies. We were kind of mean this year as we gave out some good little chocolate bars along with some crappy unfrozen freezies and sugarless candies. Hope we don't get egged!

Now I'm waiting for the party guests that are totally not coming. I get it, it's a monday, but it would be more effective if people would just tell me they weren't coming so that I wouldn't worry so much about baking and decorating and cleaning. We sent out the invite almost three weeks ago, and we see these people all the time. Bah. I just get stressed and then it's all in vain.

The house looks good at the moment though. Too bad my room's still a disaster. I guess tomorrow night I'll deal with that one. I feel like all I'm looking forward to now is the openning of Harry Potter and of Rent. That seems kind of sad.

Tomorrow is my 3 year-aversary with Steve and I'm really happy and excited about it, except that it will be our first anniversary appart and I'm going to miss him. This is such a ridiculous life. I may not even be able to see him this weekend. Frustrated and sad. And yet so proud of us!

Happy Halloween everybody!

C'est l'Halloween

Les sorcières sortent le soir.
Les fantômes aussi.
Le ciel est tout noir.
Les nuages sont gris.
Est-ce que tu as peur
des méchants esprits?
O Monsieur,
Oui, oui, oui, oui, oui.
C’est l’Halloween (4X)

Pendant l’Halloween,
tu peux être ce que tu veux.
Un tigre féroce
Ou un serpent bleu.
Il se fait tard,
Tu rentres à la maison.
O Madame,
Non, non, non, non, non.

C’est l’Halloween (4X)

La lune, elle est pleine.
Le hibou, il crie.
De toutes les branches,
Pendent les chauve-souris.
Est-ce que tu as peur
de cette nuit?
O Madame,
Oui, oui, oui, oui, oui.

C’est l’Halloween (4X)

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Bex Boobs

Long hours on this fall back weekend. I had a good craftshow on Saturday. I made $170 which was nice. My table was beside the most insane craft woman I have ever encountered at any show in the past five years. She made the most gaudy horrible crocheted decorations and dish towels. She was one of those women who talked to all of her crafts and pretended like they had lives of their own. She sold this witch doll that she had dressed in a crocheted outfit and said a long winded goodbye to her where she told her not to get into any trouble. WEIRD!

I also had an encouter with the God-iest church lady I've ever met. She came up to the table and looked at the buttons that I'm selling and noted that the "I Believe in Faeries" button should say "I believe in God". Yikes. Then she told me another slogan that should be buttoned and then said "Do you know where you can find lots of good sayings to put on buttons?... The Bible." Awkward. I felt like argueing, but I didn't want to offend any church elders as I depend on their venue to make money. Ah well. Now I'm thinking I'll go through th bible and find some really ridiculous lines that don't really inspire or make much sense and then put them on buttons with their book and reference number. I think it would be hilarious and slightly offensive.

I was entirely impressed with myself for making it through the day when I had woken up at 7am still high from the escapades with MacLeod the night before. I forced myself to keep my eyes open on the drive to t-dot and then blissfully got ready for the party at Steve's house. It was a fun and fabulous night at 3QF. I almost saw Matt's wang, but chickened out at the last second. I had me some melancholies, that actually made me kind of sad, and chatted with a number of fun people. I was pleased that my puffy puffy skirt didn't knock anything over. It was kind of fun to take up some space.

I got a little beat up by my family again today which was too bad. Now I have to struggle out of the dark again in order to get through my week. I'm getting tired of this. And we're having a halloween party tomorrow that I'm totally not prepared for. Bah.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

My Lovely Lady Lump

Ah excellent Friday. My shit is mostly together for the craft show tomorrow which is good. My costume shit is almost together too which is helpful. It is going to a long long day tomorrow. Maybe I'll get to nap in the car on the way to T-dot. Tonight Jess and I ordered thai food and then watched old taped tv from up to five years ago. We watched some of my favourite old SNL specials and then tv shows from three years ago like Survivor Thailand. Excellent.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Sipping Martinis with the Queers

Tonight was the GLAM SLAM BALL, just about won of my favourite events of the year. It's a ridiculously good anti-prom event with all kinds of queers in poofy tafeta glamin' it up and dancing their asses off. If you've got a move, this is the best place to bust it. There's a live band that is amazing. They allow for a lot of crowd sing alongs. I feel like I danced for three hours straight... or queer as the case may be. It was a good feeling. I'm going to cling to my relaxed feeling for dear life. I guess that might stress me out. Shoot. Well I'm conciously not doing the reading for my class tomorrow. I'm going to sleep in decadently and then strut onto campus, purchase an overpriced coffee beverage, and then I'm going to come home and start prepping my craftshow material. Saturday night will be a million times more fun if I make a million bucks.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Blog Con Queso

I gotta say, all of this travelling up and down is getting tiring. I think I need some lighter baggage. Today I slept through a class about abortion, probably good for my mental state. I managed to have a lunch where I didn't really talk about my own life at all (totally what I wanted to do), volunteered at the WRC, got on the wrong bus that drove me around the perimeter of the city of Guelph for an hour, put my gym membership on hold, and get home headachy tired and smushed. I had myself a dippy snack, took a nappy nap, and started my paper that's due tomorrow. I worked for an hour and twenty minutes and I'm already at 673 of a thousand so that anxiety has dwindled.

Once this paper is done I'll hopefully be able to breath and calmly create my halloween costume and prep for my craft show. I want to sell! I also desperately need to clean my room. Papers everywhere. I hate choking on papers and tripping on wires and been swallowed by clothes. Exhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaale now and try to get through the rest of the night.

"Honey, for our 50th anniversary you can lick my butt"

It's strange being in University land where you talk to the same people every day and generally use e-mails to communicate with everyone outside of the uni-bubble. A really good e-mail can shake you up and make you cry and make you laugh until you want to pee, but the love in the written word is not the same as hearing the love in someone's voice.

Tonight when I was all alone in the house dreading the silence I picked up a message. Last week when I was alone on Tuesday I did a phone survey to keep from loosing my mind. This week I got to talk to Matt Brown. It was just so nice to hear someone's voice. God I was in need of some banter. My life is pretty hilarious right now in a kind of dark and depressing way and man was it helpful for him to make me treat it like that. I do enjoy my wallowing, but it's nice to wallow with a hint of humour about the whole thing.

When I hung up with Matt (that guy always leaves me wanting more) I signed on to msn in hopes of more human contact. My oldest best friend Helen signed on, said hello and asked if she could call me instead of doing homework. Of course I agreed and we proceeded to have the most satisfying phone conversation we've had since high school ended. Helen and I became really close in grade eight. We spent entire weekends hiding out at each other's houses and watched Dawson's Creek together over the phone. We still talk about the ridiculous screaming incident when Abby died and her image appeared in the mirror. Both of our parents came running down to see if we were okay. Helen and I fed off of each other's bravery, giggling, anger, frustration, laughter and confusion. We discovered sex and drugs, and boys and confidence and feminism. We stayed up late, we ate spinach pie until we could walk home, we made copious amounts of guacamole, sushi, and pancakes (all seperately of course) and walked from her house to the danforth at 11pm just because we were craving souvlaki. Our lives revolved around sleepovers, ridiculous chick flicks (she had a serious crush on Freddie Prinze Junior), and second cup. We discovered at an early age that we enjoyed the company of boys, and we were sexually attracted to girls, and it never seemed like a big deal to us.

At the end of grade ten Helen and her family moved to Michigan where her mother went to run the Women's Centre at the University. I still haven't been out there to visit her. We discovered long distance bills that year and how much it hurts to be away from some one you love. Some how we were able to maintain our tradition of spending New Years eve together for seven years despite her leaving. The summer I turned seventeen her mother's rich boyfriend paid to send us both to Paris for two weeks. It was a pretty amazing experience. Needless to say we've remained close. In the past two years our lives have become more complicated. We're both at school, we both have relatively longterm partners and we're both ridiculously busy. Helen remarked tonight though that even though we've been seperated by distance we are still so close to each other in terms of beliefs, politics and humour. We're both Women's Studies majors, we're both feminists, and we both still falter about the same issues of men and confidence. We just fit together and laugh together and it was so nice to re-affirm that connection tonight.

I was telling her that I'm doing a project on anal sex and we ended up talking about whether or not we think we'll be having anal sex anytime soon. She says "well, I think I'll save it until marriage, because you've got to save something until marriage. Plus I don't want to have anal sex with just anybody, it's got to be someone special". Brilliance. I laughed so hard. Considering the attitude nowadays that you're still a virgin even if you have anal sex, this was totall refreshing. I love that girl and the way she thinks. So yes, save it for marriage ladies.

Anyway, I'm really thankful that I have people in my life who want to maintain connections even though some times I'm too exhausted to do the work. This night could have been disastrous if it weren't for those voices.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Upcoming Programming at the Box

Coming Soon a fabulous sitcom called "Macleod" (pronounced Mack-Lee-Ode) It will feature just Jess doing things like realizing that Halloween is only a few days away, that garbage gets picked up every week, that cameras run on batteries, and that the mail doesn't come on the weekends.

Also this season "Passive Langs" featuring brilliant episodes like when the Langs get a drumkit called "Passive Langs make some bangs", going to China "Passive Langs meet some Changs", They get laid "Passive Langs get some wangs" When they take down street crime "Passive Langs take down gangs", When they become vampires "Passive Langs get some fangs", and when they go dildo shopping "Passive Langs buy fake wangs".

I'll do anything for a nice hat.

It got dark again. I made it about two weeks without a big crash, but I broke last night. There's nothing that makes me feel worse than interrupting a film student watching a film, but sometimes I cross those lines. There's something about the wind and the rain and the gray and the yelling and the fighting and the hurting that's starting to take me down. I'm trying to stay out of that sappy student expositional prose that plagues so many online journalling. I suppose I'll just shut up for now and cry it out.

It figures that I finally get off my ass and find a counselor and after five sessions she goes on a four week sick leave. I don't know how much it was helping anyway, but it was something. As much as I really don't want to and can't afford to, I think I have to start paying someone to listen to me.

Monday, October 24, 2005

Big Ass Titties

Well I just spent the last two minutes making "bloopy bloop" noises with Jess. Not productive. I have a bunch of reading to do and also a bit of writing for tomorrow. On top of that I have to do some room cleaning and a bit of craft show prep for Saturday. But I just want to lie down and drink tea. Though it's pretty hard to drink tea lying down. Bah.

I have a magical anxiety power. I have one essay does in the next two weeks and I'm really not worried about it, and yet I've somehow gotten myself all stressed out and in pain. I stayed up really late last night because I couldn't sleep without making a list of all the things I have to do. And then the list just made me more stressed out. I'm all wrapped up in my head this week and it's not good. I'm hoping this weekend can be relaxing, but I'm not so sure about it. I'm starting to get back into my little world where I feel like every conversation I have is forced and meaningless. That makes me feel bad. Ah well, the goal this week is that I will attend all my classes. I think I can do that.

Saturday, October 22, 2005


Last night TJ and I waltzed into the yoga shope half an hour late for our striptease workshop, but it turns out that you don't get a lot done in a room full of chatty 30 to 50-somethings. It was really cool to see these older women shaking their hips and trying to own their sexuality. There was definitely a lot of giggling and a lot of jokes about how awkward they felt, but they were there and that's what counts. Two women who looked like they were in their early fifties were in front of us talking about how embarassed their kids would be if they knew where they were. I wanted to tell them that I would be hella proud of my mom if she were at a stripping workshop (I'm trying to convince her to go to the one next week!), but they weren't so friendly.

It was exciting though. Tama told me I should be a stripper. Yeah my moves are pretty hot. Steve later confirmed that fact. I love a good sexy dance. I think I need to go dancing more because I really do love it. I also love watching people dance. It's just so interesting to see the varying degrees of control that people have over their own bodies.

All those attending the 3QF party next weekend should be forewarned that TJ and I are cooking up one hot entrance for the Box girls. If we pull it together it's going to be AWESOME!

Friday, October 21, 2005

So comfy....

Oh the eternal struggle. One class on Friday makes me want to stay in my pyjamas. I just don't know. I mean, Prof Fishstick tends to not say anything relevant in the rambly hour I spend in that room. I don't know. I didn't go on Monday though, so now I'm thinking I should go since I've paid for it. Balls. But the couch is so comfy and my throat is so sore. Cripes I don't know.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Alien in my Ear Canal

My wallet is entirely gone. I have no freakin' clue where it is. I know it's in the house, but I can't find it at all. So do I give up and cancel my cards? It's no good. Bah.

The midterm this morning went okay, I'm pretty exhausted though. I spent two and a half hours in line at the walk-in to see if there's something wrong with me. They say no. Shit. Oh well I guess that means I start the mental process of convincing my ear that it is not blocked and my throat that it's not sore.

Last night's procrastination was definitely the best this year. It involved song writing and waxing. It was entirely ridiculous. Also a lot of brilliant tv watching. The midterm wasn't so hard. I'm really angry about the essay I got back from that class today though. I'm going to argue my ass off to get a better grade. I think that people should just start understanding that if they piss me off I will deal with them. The world would just be way more relaxing if people would just stop pissing me off. It's kind of fun though. In the long run I know that grades don't matter but playing the system is so much fun. I know I have a good arguement and I am constantly seeking the satisfaction of winning grade points just because I can argue. My best one was in first year when I argued my first midterm up from a 70% to an 88%. I want that sweet sweetness again! I can definitely get something out of this one. Steve was asking me incredulously if I actully enjoy writing essays. I think that I do! There's something brilliant about leaving an essay to the last minute and then finishing at 5am and still getting a good mark! Mmmmm.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

My Secret...

Tonight on Box Model (America's Next Top Model) the girls had to shoot a secret commercial where they all had to come up with their own secret to say as the last line of the shoot. Jess and I both came up with our own secrets (to be read in perky model voices):

Jess: My secret? I'm afraid to ask out a boy.

Bex: My secret? I flash my vagina at truckers.

Quick Matty Price!

Matty Price the important question is, did I eat that gooey delicious chicken from your fork? Is it possible that I have one of your horrible illnesses? Were you still strep-tagious? (Meaning contagious with strep?) Oh God!

Anyway, I am also a Hot Tamale in terms of that crazy quiz. I'll not link it here, but go to tederick for the quizzing. And for the general brilliance that is Matt. I'm going to the walk-in clinic tomorrow afternoon. I want drugs. Stupid birth controlling stunting anti-biotics! Bah. I spent four hours reading History notes and primary documents for the exam tomorrow. I probably have another two hours to do by tomorrow morning, but I feel okay about that. Whatever. I have enough jist that I could come up with some page filling bull-jive.

Wierd Asian Sex Dreams

So it's noon and I basically just woke up. Wonderful. I had this grand plan of actually going to class at 8:30 this morning and then studying for four hours in the library before my next class. It turns out I slept in instead. Maybe this will be better for the whole ridiculously painful throat/neck business though, and maybe it will help my concentration on the reading compared to what it would have been on six hours of sleep. Man this is ridiculous.

So the new plan is to go to my 1:30 class and then head to the library for some read-ee goodness. I might even treat myself to a gigantic booster juice just to keep me awake and boosted. I'll do some reading on the bus too. At the moment I'm relaxing and drinking tea while fooling around on the internet. I just couldn't bring myself to start reading History the moment I opened my eyes. Just too much. I'm trying to maintain a relaxed and calm attitude. It's my last midterm, so when it's over I have almost a week of breathing before more essays are due. Last night I had a dream that I got 3% on my Canadian Lit exam. I was not happy.

I'm okay with the reading but the sickness is kind of preoccupying me and so is my Hallowe'en costume and the lack of my wallet. I feel like just screaming "My Wallet's Gone!" a la Morty Seinfeld in the doctor's office. Would that solve anything?

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

This is the way, it's the way that we live, it's the way that we live... AS QUEERS!!!!!!

Ooooh Jess keeps tempting me with those leftover T3s. My swollen and sore throat has gotten to the point where I can no longer touch my ear to my shoulder because of the pain. I took things easy tonight and just beaded me a necklace and answered a phone survey (god I'm lonely sometimes), and watched a whole lot of tv. Tomorrow the study wave will crash around me and it's going to be powerful.

I feel like I probably shouldn't take the T3, but it's just so tempting. My best friend from childhood had the kind of mom who only ever gave T3s when it came to aches pains and migraines. She had a little kangaroo beanie baby that we called Skippy the Drug Lord and it used to have at least three T3s in the pocket at all times. When I got my wisdom teeth she brought Skippy over for me to hang on to and it was just about the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.

I feel like I've picked up these pseudo mothers and brothers and sisters along the way in my life. Does everyone find these intense connections with people or is there something about me that just needs to expand my family? Do I just love and depend on people too much?

Monday, October 17, 2005

I just want some snuggling!

Oh the ladies are out grocery shopping and I'm here melting into my cup of tea and the television. Even after a three hour nap I still feel like I've been punched in the back of the head. I've done the bare minimum of work that I need to do for tomorrow but there is oh so much reading. I'm becoming concerned about my history exam on Thursday because I'm not retaining any of the information in the textbook so far. The name of the game at the moment is to just make it until the weekend. Sweet striptacular weekend.

I love my yoga teacher! She's just so sweet! I've had to cancel two of the spaces I paid for for the stripping workshop on Friday, and every time I e-mail her she has some wonderfully quirky and fun response for me! I hope I get magically better by Friday because it's gonna suck to try and be sexy if I feel like crap.

Gross gross body.

I don't think I saw H-Duff once!

Cute & Small Boobs

Raw score: 40% Big Breasts, 59% Big Ass, and 80% Cute!

Thanks for taking the T and A and C test! Based on your selections, the results are clear: you show an attraction to smaller breasts, larger asses, and sexier composure than others who've taken the test.

Note that because you scored small on breasts but large on ass size, it might appear you like girls bottom heavy. That's probably not the case. What's more likely is that you notice curvy, voluptuous butts, and you don't like big, fake boobs. Big real boobs are even worse because of the sag.

Anyway, my third variable, "cuteness" is a mostly objective measure of how innocent a given model looked. It's determined by a combination of a lot of factors: lack of dark eye makeup, facial expression, posture, etc. If you scored high on that variable, you are either really nice OR you're into deflowering teens. If you scored low, you are attracted to raunchier, sexier, women. In your case, your higher than average score suggests you appreciate a cuter, nicer look. Kudos!

Recommended Celebrity: Hilary Duff, because she is the ultimate in cute! Especially since she lost that baby fat!

My test tracked 3 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:
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You scored higher than 37% on tit-size
free online datingfree online dating
You scored higher than 78% on ass-size
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You scored higher than 90% on cuteness

Link: The Tits, Ass, and Cuteness Test written by chicken_pot_pie on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

Take Cover Brother

I woke up this morning with a screaming sore throat and a painful achy head. Owww. So TJ and I went to our exam, which was definitely not worth worrying over, and I feel like crap. The first question on the exam was "Explain the difference between sex and gender and if you think this an important distinction to make in Women's Studies". Wow. I can do that. I feel pretty good about what I wrote. I even referred to a lecture on gender issues that I attended last year. It's not the text book, but hopefully they recognize it as relevant.

So now I'm home and I don't think I'll be going to my afternoon class. I just feel like garbage. I think I'll nap and then read, but first I might bust out the alphabet soup, a sick day classic. I'm just exhausted and hiding from the world seems like the best option today. I'm so tired of bulljive! I just found out that one of my T-dot craft shows has been cancelled so now I'm scrambling to find another one so that I can make me some more money. Damn.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


This weekend was so long and bizarre. I got ditched by my family on Friday but all was redeemed by being welcomed by my favourite boy later that night. Saturday morning after a sickeningly greasy McDonald's breakfast Steve and I spent the day in the studio. It was really nice being back in there after such a long time. Sort of a grounding experience after all the bullshit that has occurred since I stopped beading. I got fourteen rows done and it was so great having company in there. We listened to ani all day and Steve even got a bit of work done.

At seven thirty I met up with the box ladies and we went to The Organ concert. It was good. We learned that where Guelph activists smell like body odour and sandal wood, Toronto queers smell like hair products. Mmmmmm queers. Then Jess, Nomi, and I headed back to my house for some chihua snuggling and Real Sex watching. After the ladies went to sleep I went upstairs and hung out iwht my brother until 3am, which was dumb. But kind of necessary. God life is complicated right now.

This morning was an adventure in Kensington Market followed by a drive back to the Goo. When we arrived Jess was overcome with ear pain, so she and I spent most of this evening in the emergency room. I just wish I could have one week where the medical community doesn't make me cry. Not likely. It's just amazing how people can be so condescending and just make me feel so small. I just don't want to be in anymore highly charged emotional situations. It's not likely to happen anytime soon though.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Fasting? I need to be slowing down!

I got out of bed dazed and blurry eyed this morning and stumbled onto the bus and into the coffee shop before heading to my history of sex and gender lecture. It wasn't until I was mid through my carrot muffin and latte that I realized it was Yom Kippur. Then the guilt set in. The day of judgment and there I am drinking overpriced coffee and a crappy muffin while God looks down shaking hir head disapprovingly. Crap. Well my name did not get in the good book this year as I did not repent. I held my grudges and maintained my anger and I didn't ask one persone for forgiveness. I'm actually pretty mad at myself that after fighting the whole battle against my aunt to prove that I was a good enough Jew I didn't have the decency to take the high holy days even remotely seriously. Repentance is one of the top three along with hard work and charity. I'm not being good at any of them right now.

Oh crisis of faith. Hilarious!

Otherwise today was cloudy and crappy. I got all riled up at a uninformed presentation about female circumcision where Africans were referred to as "barbaric" and again at a really racist short story that was presented in my Creative writing class. My story was workshopped today and I'm not pleased with the way it went. It's really nice having confidence shot down the day prior to a midterm.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

you can rub it on mark's cock and on me

It's been a long day. I'm starting to realize that it's entirely impossible to get everything that I need done. Bah. I'm tired and grumpy. Today has been very dizzy and head-hurty and tv fun filled. Tama and I just watched Weeds and it was fucking incredible. Probably the strongest fifteen year old girl character I have ever seen on tv. It blew me away and I definitely cried a little at the end.

So I'm overwhelmed with life again, which is not so good. Tomorrow my creative writing class is workshoping my short story and I'm kind of nervous. I also have my first midterm on Friday, which is much sooner then I think. I don't think I can physically get all the reading done on time. Fuck.

And not this weekend is all complicated! I totally intended to stay in Guelph and read all weekend, but now the Box folk are going to the Organ concert, so I want to go to. But then there's all the guilt about being in T-dot and not doing all the bead work that needs to get done. Again with the fuck.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Wow, so I shouldn't watch House alone. Maybe that's the answer to this whole thing. I don't have M.S., my parents just aren't my real parents and I have some leftover rare baby disease. Boy howdy am I running if they try to stick a damn needle in my pupil. But now I'm wise to that whole roof scheme. I'm running out the damn front door with my tuchus exposed, gown flapping in the wind.

I got a mysterious phone call from Health Services today, so hopefully that's nothing big. Stupid needle wielding jerks.

Monday, October 10, 2005

If you look to your right...

I've just started up a Beck's Beads Blog. I'm still working on how I can actually use the simplicity of blogger for my own evil crafting benefit, so it's not done. But there are some pictures up anyway. I just have to figure out how to show pictures and also have dates of shows and a welcome type message at the very top. I also need a contact link of some sort. Any suggestions are entirely welcome!

Friday, October 07, 2005

I Wanna Biffy

Today a new term was created for the long overused name of a favourite breakfast food and snack. Muffins hence forth will be known as Biffys. For example you could have a chocolate chip biffy, a bran biffy, a cranberry apple biffy, a fruit explosion biffy, or even a banana nut biffy. Henceforth MMMuffins will be referred to BBBiffy, and the Seinfeld episode with the Muffin Top shop will be called "Top of the Biffy to you!". This one is gonna catch on people! Remember that I started it all here today.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

There are No Mohammed Wongs

I'm feeling pretty good today. I'm pretty decently keeping my head above water which is only because it's hilarious how the world keeps trying to beat the crap out of me. Yesterday Student Health Services just kicked the hell out of my ass, then I got three upsetting e-mails, and then I sat through a two and a half hour meeting. I just don't understand doctor's offices. I have a file, so if a fax comes in with my bloodtest results you put that fax into my file, so that when I come and ask you if I need another B12 shot you can look at that information and tell me yes or no.

Also, am I the only person that didn't know that you have to buy B12 shots from the pharmacy in order for them to administer them? In T-dot, the doctor just whipped one out and sunk that puppy into my arm, why would I assume that this doctor's office was any different? Apparently I'm an idiot.

Anyway, I got through today. And now I'm home enoying Survivor and Lesbians and tea drinking. I can't believe tomorrow is Friday already. I find that incredibly disturbing. This weekend is going to be work filled. I'm not entirely sure how I'm going to do it. I have to bead ream, write a short story, and an essay. Not to mention the 450 page novel I have to read by next week and all my other general weekly readings. Maybe I should have an online poll about which class to drop. I'm sleepy but positive. I can do it, I think.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Happy Jew Years!

Oh it's all very exciting! Is it 5766? I'm not quite sure. Anyway, this past year kicked my ass. Excellent. This weekend was pretty good. I think that maybe my B12 wearing off made me extra tired, and I definitely experienced the searing pain of a bladder infection for the first time, but I ate some good cookies at least.

The dinner at the fam's house last night was only semi-awkward. They think I'm the demise of the Jewish faith, which as Matt pointed out, I am. I guess I should work on that. They didn't bring it up at all though so I just tried to keep my anger and frustration quiet. That generally resulted in a dizzy spacey headache. My body is just so ridiculous.

I'm feeling okay though. I got a decent amount of stuff done this weekend, so I feel fairly prepared for the week. Now it's time for essay writing and attending meetings. Next weekend will be filled with fun and more pie though which makes everything better.

Now for some House and some tea and a cookie or two baked by my fuzzy-headed and gorgeous roommate Le Teej.